M4others' Club Tea Chi Omega sorority of Northwest. ern university has just finished its fali series of rush1ng parties for~ thé new pledges. The Mother's club will give a tea and reception for the niothers of the new pledges on Tues- day, October 17, from 2 to 4:30, at the sorority house on the Evanston campus.- Mrs. L. H. Vogel of Wil- mette is president of the Mothers' club for the ensuing year. New . . . Smart.. Pracical Coots, Snowsuifs, Skating Ouffts; warm, woolly Sweaters and Dresses.. LoveI.. Youtlful ..B.comng Danncig Schoot. Dresses 'and.Prfy Frocks. Luate this fait Miss Martha..Ann, Huftoil become the bride-of Dr. Eugene Pleasants Odum, son of Pro fessor and Mrs. Howard W. Odum.0f:Chapel Hil, N.C., lier parents, Dr. and Mrsr. Ralph T. Huif of Wlmette announce. Msembershlp Têà A large membership tea for the Wilmette League of Womnen Voters was held at the homne of Mrs. Hayes, McKinney, 1035 Chestnut avenue Monday. Mrs. Jacob Viner spoke' on the history and present place of the league, and Mrs. Fred Rye talkedý on the new aims and program of the League of Women Voters. L Wotch for Importanmt Amsomcm.mt Concernlng Joseph on Davis Street EVANSTON,