Mrs. Carolyn Buter Cauldwell of Evanston, who since her recent mar- niage has been business: manager of the EvanstonChildrýen's theatre, and is also a new alliance ,memnber, will. follow Miss -Merrili on the prograrn with. several readings. Mrs. Cauld- well is a graduate of the Northwest- ern university School of Speech. ~Aso amxong the new ,member.s on the north shore are Miss Virginifa Ross, Miss Annamarle Booz, and Miss Marjorie Steiner. Miss, Booz was recently appointed traveling secretary for Tri-Delta and wil be on an extensive tour throughout the country most of the season. The new officers, elect June, are Miss Louise R oresi<dnt. Mrs. Rettv Van last Hw LUCKYN ou are! Burd of Wilmette, publicity chair- man. This year the North Shore alliance will meet regularly at the chapter house in Evanston every third Tues- day of the morith. Present planse for the programs during the remainder of the year and for. 1940 have been made. For the November meeting a sister and. brother who returned from the Con- Newberry Lecigue Meeting The first fafl meeting of the New- berry Center league will take place Friday, October 20, at the home. of Mrs. Roscoe Page, 2222 Lincoln stireet-evanstofl. The event wlll be a, luncheon meeting. Skokie Blvd. and Cîavey Rd. Test 01 Highland Park