Are Theta Events October. lu always a busy mnont h for Kappa Alpha Theta alumnnae and this year is no exception. The agi- mual charlty bridge party wiU take Place Friday, the thirteenth, at the Kenllworth club, and -the traditional tea for new Theta pledges and their mothers wif be - eld next Wednes-- day fromn 3 to 5 t thehome of Mrs. Walter &. Strong, 1317 Tower road, Wilmuetka. The Theta Mothers' - club wiil jomn the alumnae as hostesses for* the pledge tea.' lu the recelvlng Une with Mrs. Strong will be Mrs. Leslie A. Wood, alumnae président; Mrs. Walter P. Steffen,. president of the Mothers' club; Miss Janet Wagner, president otf Tau chapter at North- western; and the new pledge presi- dent. The alumnae committee for the te a cludes Mrs. H. -A. Morri- snW1nnetka, ehm4man; Mrs Jack Morrow, Glencoe; Mrs. E. D. Nix, Winnetka; Mrs. W. H. Hollweg, Win- netka; Mn., Corydon H. Hall, Glen- coe; and Mrs. B. W.- Anderson, Wnnetka. Mrs. B. D. Howe, Chi- cago, heads' the cornmiàttee for the: Mothers' club with Mrs. H. C. Wheeler and Mns. Duncan 0. Welty of Evanston assisting. P2re8ldng at the tea tables will be u4un oz & »iLrs. ~.L aiwev e4V oz w.u- mette, and- Mrs. Elliott>C. Young- berg of Evanston, will start at 2 -o'clock and include a fur fashion show arranged by Mrs. Joseph C. Plate of Evanston; Mrs. L. E. Mit- teii, Keuilworth; and Mrs. Clyde T. Marshall, Highland Park. There- will be some specialty music num- bers played by Bob Wyatt on an electric organ, and afternoon tea will iollow. ..D. avaom fl otO >frt. iHA. tVUbKg6 tWfff- netka is a member of the alum- nae committee for the tradi- tional tea for neio Theta piedgea and their mot hera tvhich the Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae toil have this year, on WednesdaV, October 18, from 3 to 5 o'clock, at the home of Mra. Walter A. Strong, 1377 Tower road, Wfi- netlca. The hostess lst for the bridge tea, fashion show, and book review the Woman's auxiliary and the Junior guild of St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral are sponsoring at the Evanston Wom- an's club Wednesday of next week, at 1: 30 o'clo<k, is now, announced, as la that of those who wWl serve.' atnnuai benetut rummage sale on Oc- tober 19, from 8 o',clock unt il 6., at 2002, Maple avenue in Evanston. Pro- ceeds from the sale will go into their sicholarship fuünd which pro- vides financial. help for needyý col. lege ,girls.. Mrs. James G. Badger Of WMl- mette, social chairman of thé alum-. nae chapter, isin, charge of arrange- ments for the benefit sale.> Working. wvith hier as an executive cÔtnmittee are. Miss Betty Taggart, presidént of Gamma chapter at Northwestern university, Miss Betty: Keppler, ac- tive chapter represenitative on the alumnae board of officers, Mrs. Ern- est A. Ekluhd. of Glencoe, president of Alpha Alpha alumnae chapter, and the foflowing chairrnen of the five sub groups within the alumnae chapter, located in Chicago and on the~ ~Nth Shore; Mrs. Ernest A. Potter, Evanston, Mrs. C. B. Gwyn, Jr., Bannockburn, Mrs. Harry C Daley, Evanston, Mrs. Lawrence D. Dibble, Chicago, and Miss Enid Wal-: gren, Chicago. Mrs. J. Carney How- eli of Glencoe la -in charge of publici- ty and Mrs. Lee B. Thomas of Glen- coe will handle the receipts of the sale. Miss Phyflis Murphy of Evanstôn, iection of 510' .GIves Book Tolks Vossar College *On Saturday, October 21, at 7:15 o'clock, the Vassar alumnae of this area, their husbands and beaux, wiil gather for dinner> at the Edgewater. Beath hotel for the openinig celebra- tion:-of the Seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding ofl*Vassar college. Vassar Femnale coflege was founided by Matthew 'Vassar at Poughkeep- sie, N.* Y. When the college openied September '21, 1865, three-hundred students were enrolled. More than the threhundred applied,, but the Main% building, -where aIl of the stu.; dents and fàculty lived and attended classes, c o u 1 d accommodate no more. The enrolîment today ,lu limited to eleven-hundred fifty. Alumnae groups ail over the 'Uni- ed States and Canada will be meet- ing at the sam im re. President Henry Noble MacCracken, speaklng at t4he -ei-enu"nairmeetinrg ontthe Associate alunrnae of Vassar coilege at Buffalo, N. Y., will address- the alumnae over a nation-wide radio network at 9:45 o'clock Chicago time. Morris Hadley, a prominent Iawyer of New York City and -presi- dent of the board of trustees of Vas- sar college, lu coming to Chicago to rneet with the local aluninae and to address the meeting on "Vassar To- day.". Mr. Hâdley'.s wife and moth- netka, presiaent of the Chicago Vasý- sar club, and Mrs.' John, E. Barlow of Evanston, president of the North Shore Vassar club, will be the hoit- esses for the evening. They wifl be assisted by twelve of the younger graduates: Miss Nancy Claire Park- er,, Miss Emily Hunt, Miss Caroline- Buck, anid Mrs. Joseph Burton of Evanston; Miss Jôsephine Zeis, A. Pal Louis, 1 ., M.