t'Mn CoeeooNUatNemwgv Na.tionalU Le . bmwauo mpany w $.LuI. $Poo anopi 26 BEAU"Y &HEALTH for your WOOD SHINGLI The mnens league sehedul.e. cali. for matches for four teanis every Monday, Tuesdav, Wednesday and ýFrlda.y nigbt.. The captains, whoé have been appointed to lead the la men's teams include EuÜd Lange, A. J. Rolle, L. W.« Sherwood,.. A. e. Hus- sander, L. J.* Graf, C.,R. Simmons, Elis Larson, Paul W.. Cook, A. R. Houle, Jim Wats*on, E. R. Mons, L. Walker, 0. W. Clif ton, Vernon Beebe, Cal' Turner, and J. W. Day. The firsthaîf of the season match play will be concluded on January, :9, 1940, and new league divisions formed, then. for the- winter and sprlng terin. Plans are being made by Chairman Ferguson for'a series of Iritèrclub matches, special bowl- ing exhibitions, and for mixed bowl- ing conmpetition later i the season. Mr& Creight.n Whitng of Evans.~ ton has been appointed chairman of Shawnee Women's bowling competi.. tion which is being, staged on Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fni- day every week. Teain captains of the 18 squads already forxn ed are to. be announced next week. W]ILMETTE. WOMEN'S LEAGUE By wlnning twô games froi n - ickson Delivery, Esther Beauty Shop sao oVRDUA4 4>1 LJIJa WmL. *Coach Lynn Waldorf made no ef- fort ta conceal bis disappointment over the showing against the Soon- ers. While taking no, credit froin a powerful, aIent Oklahoma eleven which took advantage of its breaks, Waldort lndicated that Northwest- ern's misplays had a lot ta do with the defeat. The. biggest problem confronting the Wildcats this week -as they pre- pare for -the Big, Ten opener is to in- ject moredrive into the offense. In- ability ta get the attack rolling con- sistently proved,,costly agaipist OkIa- homa. Showed AbIlity Northwestern showed ability ta gain ground, rolling up!125 yards by, rushing and 159 yards. from passing for a total'of 259 yards, includinig penalties. Despite ail this yardage Oie Wildcats failed ta cross the Soon- ers' goal line and on one occasion hiad 'a ffrst down on the three yard line. Barring injuries i practice this week, the Wildcats expect ta be at full strength ' or Ohio State. Ike Kep- fond, sophomore right half, who was unable ta play against Oklahoma, wiil be available Saturday and wilI probably be ini the starting Jineup., Red Hahnenstein, Paul Saper and Bill DeCorrevont who alternated at Saturday's gaine will be the l8th of a series which opened ini 1913. Ohio, State dominated the early Lgaines, wiranig the opener, 13 tii 0, and then going on to take the next four by decisive margins. The series then. was sus pended until 1927, when the Wildcats scored their first vie- tory. The score was. 19 to 13. Four Victorien The Buckeyes,-came -right backta takethe, 1927 renewal, 10 to 0, but Iotthé next -three gamres to the strong Northwestern elevens of 1929, '30, anid '31, the scores being 18 ta Op 19 ta 2, and 10 ta 0. ÔhioaState then ran off four straight victories, ýas follows: 1932, 20 to 6;. 1933, 12 tao ;' 1934, 28 to 6;- 1935, 28 to 7. The last three contests have, re- sulted in a victory for each, and the scoreless tie of last fall. Ohio State' was one of six victims in Northwest- ern's march to its first Western con- ference championship in 1936, going down, 1t4 to 13, 'in a bitterly waged battle. The Buekeyes took the 1937 game, 7 ta 0. A series recapitulation shows Il Ohio State victories, five triumphs for Northwestern and one tie mn 17 gaines. The teams have met annual- ly since 1927, and the gaine each year ranks among the. mast împor. rant on, each squad.8s schedule. 0*Pire Resistan Preservation Natural Beaut, gles - Prevent splitting. 0 Our guarantee leaks FRE, ance of eonpl nt Permanent -Enhances the also, hlgh tl total of 48E Standings *ee gai pins. , wîtn a ty of yaur sflm W. ts warpmng and Esthier Beauty Shop ... .. 7 Rugo's .......... ...:.'1.4 Erickson Delivery i........ 4 e to repair any Ratny P'orist .......... 3 is your assur- lete satisfaction. BUINE .SS F-MI LR Pet. .778 .444 .333 age. Each Won Thrèe Northwestern and Ohio Siâte each won three Big Ten gamnes ini the last yerar's race, but the Wildc-ats placed ian Record Service for two garnes. liigh gaine for the night went ta Lecbner, with 231, and high series, with 591, ta Dybick. Despite the 23 tao, 0loss to Oklaho- ma in the opening game of the season last Saturday, three Northwestern halfbacks comrpiled a bail carrying average of five yards per carry. Bill DeCorrevont, saphomore haîf- back, rang up the best record of th.e day with a total net gain of 33 yarsls in six attempts for an average of 5% yards per attempt. Paul Saper gain. ed 21 yards in four attempts fer--&%~ yards per carry and Red Hahnen- l.Uâ 5Ier'!DU - OppoiteUthe Valemie AU go.. d .I.orsa» .,.9OOD.D.4flS" FoU papera inciuded i n t bi e Wesuxuoreland -Ichapter, of league. dent. he gait pnret-: ho-le w: