LOVELY ROOM SU5 ABLEFOR i oRt 2.:Newvly decorated. lse to Elm st. transpiortatio.5Abor Vtae:. road. Wlnnetka 1921. 116LTN12-ltp, BRIGHT -WA4M ROOM ANqD BATH FOR, 1 or 2. Ail conveniiences. 3 blocks to Elm. St., stations. Winnetka 415. 116LTSN23ltp FOR RENT - ROOMS; NEAR TRANS. Sportatlon. Llght housekeeping if -de- slred. 1228 Lake Avenue -, Phone Wil. mette- 4M4. 116LTN23-tp NICELY FURNISHEI3 FRONT BED* roomn. Eaàt sîde. Near trans. Business womnan -preferred. Garage Maalable. Cal] Wlmette 1022. 16T2-t WoULD YoU LIKE A ROOM I A PR!. vate ýhome, with a pleasant view and a convenlent location? CaIl Wilmette 2427. LEWIST DODDS WINNETKA 1111 128LTN2-ltip 231-room apt. Reasonable rent. Conv. to schools & transp. Ph. Wlnnetka 418. 128LTN23-ltc. 4 RM. KICHENETTE-D1NETTE.LGE. livingrmi.. 2 bedrms. Huimphrey BIdg.. Elm & Chestnut, Wnnetka 97, 3887 or 2432. 18T2-f 2i2 AND 3 ROOMSCONSISTING OP kitchien, living room, bedroom with. twin-beds and bath. Attractively furnish- ed. Daily maid service. 2nd floor of 2 story building opposite Teatro Del Lago. Manager on premises Friday and- Sat.- aftmnonsand eveninigs or ealu Wil- mette 432, at other times. 129LT$N23-ltp 3 ROOM KITCHENETrTE APARTMENTr furnished. Available Dec. 1. PhoneWil- mette M82. 129LTrN23-lp 130 WANTED TO RENT-APTS. il TWO OR THREE ROOM >1 PARTVEJNT IN MODER~N HOME. CALt WLMèMt 492. i 13LTN23ltp home. tleman LARGE COMFORTABLE À near bath,. quiet home. Gentleman preferred. Wilm trans. il LARGE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room. Also smaller front room. E- ployed persons preferred. Garage avail. able. Wlmette 166. 116LTN23tp SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT. EMPLOY- ed only. Near village and transnorta. f tion. Winretka 1823. 11L23- ltp A PLEASANT. COMFORTABLE ROOM in private adult home. Tel. Wl. 3233. 133 FOR RENT-HOUBES Take Now at $60 Per Month REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE OCCU- pancy. 7 rooni resiclence, East sie. Wilmette. Convenient to transportation, shopping, schools. Also for sale. Excel- ent buy. McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St.. Evanston Wil. 228 133LTN23-ltc R. M. JOHNSTON Opposite -L- terminal Wilmnette 444 133LTN23-ltc HUBIBARD WOODJS NORTH EAST Residence. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath lst floor. Extra bath and 2 bedrooms 2rkI lioor. Quiet, pleasant neighborhood. Convenient, to transportation, churches, schools and~ shopping district. Deep wooded lot. By appointmerit only: Phone Glencoe12. 133LTN23ltp 2 YEAR LEASE! IT'S NOT ONLY THE IDEAL LOCA- tin- bh uifiîl Londs n~- but the. KENILWORTH SUBLÊASE - 6 RMS.. 2%2 TILE l3ATHS, gas heat. Near sehools and transp. Available ýNov. 1., Kenilwortb 5602., 133LTN22-te TO SUBLET: 6 RM. 110115E, $70. a blks. to transportation and sehools. 261 Wilson street, Winnetka. Available No- vember J. Wlnnetka 26M.',3TN.t 7 ROOM HOME DIEAST WILMETZTE., AUl newly decorated.011 burner. Ga- rage. $70. HILL & STONE WILMETTE 1644 13SLTN23-Itc 13& FOR:MENTr--FURNISHED HOUBESI TRY LIVING I THE COUNTRY. ..BEFORE YOU BUY!1 Fromi Nov. à to May or longer, we offer a Perfectly,,delightful nearly new early American: bouse, on 2- acres, bordering* golf course-Fur- nished in exquisite taste-Large pine- paneled living rm., a library with book-lined walls. 3 large master bed- rnis. 2 fflé bàthà with gôwrsi, sgrv ants' quarters. 2 car gar. Low-cost oil ht. 1 mile to Glenview station-Only 28 minutes to Chicago. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177 134LTN23-ltc FURNISHED TOWN HOUSE 134LTN23-1lte Wiîl FLORIPA Wilrent fumnished 7 roomn 4 bedrm. bouse with 10 acres on lake. 3 pchs.. refrig. & stove, outslde fireplace'. Boat bouse and boat. orange grovei, 2 tennis courts, 2 car garage. $1000 for. season (2 to 12 months).. Baird & Wartier. mec. 790. Elm St. Winnetka 2700-Briargate'1855. 134LTN23-ltc 5 rm. new brick bouse, $70. V' miles from Winnetka P.O. 5', i-m. home, beautifua1Iy located in 421 Richmond Road kul Irg. ser. pcn, ýESTATE Kenllwortb 5288 147LTN23-îtc Open for Inspection Floodlighted at Night Friday. Saturday, Sunday. TWO NE.W HOMES. Recreation rôooms. open decks, screened terraëes. copper plum bing and mimer- 015accessories. GLENDALE. AT OAK WINNETKA 147LTN23-ltc VIN4ES IN LOVELY AUTUMN ýCOLOR- ings make a perfect 'picture of this artistie English bouse. Sec the photos in our office windows. Step down living room., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths on 2nd floor. 2 car att. gar., oil heat. Clipped hedges surround 10 x 200 lt. of inwns. ,1hb bery. Near new wild life refuce and Sko- kie Playfield. Mortgage $13.700 payable $110 monthly. Reduced to $20.00-about %/ owners Investment. We highly recom- mend this iiurchase.. FULLER & PTCKARD. Ine. * University 7444 Winni. 3603 Gre. 7220 Wil. 730- 147LTN23-lc BUILT IN 1937 One of the North Shore's most exclusive and restricted sections is the settmng for this attractive Colonial bouse on a 90 x 1851ft. wooded and beautifiîlty land- scaped lot, 8 rooms, 31Çý baths., s5c. porch. pine panel. den, recre. rm.. conv. to sehool and ail transportation. Business change necessitates sacrificing at $26.000. Cal Miss Hetiberg. I3AUMANN-COOK 55.3 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 147LTN23-Ite 95Shabona, Lane Indian Hill Estates OPEN SUNDAY. OCT. 15TH 2 to 5 PM ]Rire opportunity to purchase lovely. whte brick home on, wooded lot; 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, in perfect order., Owner leaving town, determined' tu sell. Cali Mrs. Fleming. BAIRD & WARNER Greenay Rd.. D &CO.' Wmnntka 492, 147N2.p *~ lenti pj SPACE dentlst or ion. Phone' M or1 1401!