Buy this compaet, easy- to-tuck-away, box with severalMonths' SUPÈIly., VAL-U-BOX 66 PADS I $1 ýWiEDOLDT*'S DAVIS ST., .EVANSTON uvëiugtie soungpepi28a.raytainment, Bud Shermian; decoration, evenig, Otobe 28.Peggy Jenness; refirshment, Earl For the occasion chairs and tables Palmr n ulciy aaJn are o bearrngedcaf fasionness. Jean Wilson is president o: about the parish house, wfth room, the 8roup. left for dancing. During the eve-________ ning ice creaàm and soft drinks will be served at ail times except during NONHM thefloor show. A room in the base- [ Mrs. E. P. Farwell of 780 Pros- ment is -being fitted. for. -occupationj pect' avenue, Winnetka, is. now back and patr onage-a' sort. of annexi in her own home. She had stayed ir which is to be> called. the "Cata-ý Kenilworth, at the, home of. Mrs. A. combs." R elaxation in thiswid B. Farwell, 626 Meiroseý avenue,. for setting will be available for any a fortnight, follow ing her return lasi who choose it In preference to the month fromi the East. She had, speni main room of Pandemoniumn Palace. the summeér in Cumberland Center, C harlie Ricker, the African An- ;Me. Her youniger, son., Robert, re. ba ssador of minstrel. farne, will, be, mained east, to enter Amherst col- the mnaster of ceremonies Iduring theI lege for, his freshman: year. LAST WEEK AT. WIEOLDT'S qA 9:i à W A FliWeek of Rug Values That Cannot Be Duplicated at Today's Market Prices!: Ail From Famous Manufactutrers. lu nat ubject. kThere is sorne doubt as to whether .1 the chemistry class and t.he' social -studies course will materialize. How-r Sever, it is expected that additional members will. appear for instruction in- those, two courses. The - final opportunity for joining -the' classes will begieonW- Snesda y, O tober 25.' it waon reo - Ilmended that alproswoepc toeter the evening sehool cornplete rtheir registration not later ta that 7date. At that timne the classes will thave been In -session'for, two eve- t nings, a *nd students entering after tha t timne will lose a consideirable *portion of thé'ir instruction. Teach- ers will also be handicapped in or- -ganizing the 'classes if people delay their. enrollments No crediL-WIU.Je *allowed on the tuition charge be7 cause of late entrance, it was add- ed. Residents of the township who xnay, be interested in ~enrolling« inth evening school nlay telephone the New Trier High school office during the day and receive information re- gairding courses and tuition. ILogan-Howard P, T. A.J The third lecture in the series on "Sex Education" by Miss Frances; Bruce Strain, will be given under auspices of the Logan-Howard Par- ent - Teacher association' Monday afternoon, October 23, at 3 Ô'clock in the auditorium of the Howard school. "Playground Problems" wiil fbe the topic of this next talk.