Ofiesand members of the board wýho will be serving as hostessés f are, Miss Rita Pool, president; Mrs. Fred J.' Ray, vice-presidlent; S Mrs., Kenneth CooleS', treasurer; Mrs. Arthur Jens, Jr., corresponding secretary; Mrs. Dale Goodson, reý- cording Ë,ecretary; Mrs., Robert G. Bingham, ýmagazine- chairman; Mrs. 0 . R., Whitaker,, Jr., :social chair- man; Miss. Betty Kettlety, publicity; Miss Eleanor Winiter, settiement school c-hairman, and Mrs-. Kenneth Craig, rummage sale chairman. Thé programs of the year have been completely outlined and titled under that heading, "The Ail- Around Pi Phi and Her Interests" with the "International Viewpoint" to engross her for the month of No- vember. This meeting wilI be held at 2 <'9ekck on Noe mber ý 1, et the, Pi Beta Phi house on the Northwest- ern campus where she will look at the August crisis in Europe through the eyes of Hope Grahamn (Indiana Beta), who is a world traveller and lecturer. The various articles made at the Pi Phi Settiement school in Gatlinburg, Tenn., will be on dis- play and for sale. This is the main philanthropie project of the frater- nity. year. The guests. of honoir will bel the -seniors, of' the ,Illinois Epsiloni chapter at .Northwestern university.' Illinois Garden Club +o Stage Judging School The second Judging. school 1g iven by the Garden Club of. Illinois will be held at the PalmerHouse, Tues- day and Wednesday, November 14 and 15. A fine programfi has -been worked out by Mrs. George S. Parker o! Winnetka, chairmnan' of the Comn-. Munity Flower Shows committee, which covers, many details of stag- ing a successful fiower show from the standpoint of the fiower show chairman, the exhibitor, and the jtudge~. The two- days of lectures ont planning the s how, growing echibit- ing and judging. specimen bloom, and arrangrng and judging flower arrangements will be followed by an examination. T he instructors will. be Mrs. 0. W. Dynes, who will give an outline of the preliminary work necessary to stage a successful show. Mrs. Maude Jacobs, formerly hor- ticulturist of the Chicago Parks dis- trict and a botanist of national rep- evenm <>of .B15 wietkiwïui inaugurate the celebration of. the Seventy-fith anniversary o! thé founding of Vas- sar college, are severagl from. this section 1of the Northi Shore. Mrs. An- drew MacLeish of Glencoe, a. mem- ber of the class of '78, Miss Eliza- beth Packer', of New Trier. High, school, and, Mr. and Mrs., Sylvanus. George Lee, of Winnetka are àniong those ýwho have eng*aged places for the banquet which will be. held-,at the Edgewater Beach hotel,. by the alumnae of Vassar of this area. Some o! the young graduates 'as- sisting as- hostesses will .dress irii the costumes of. seventy-five. years a-go. .Mrs. Walter W.' Kolbe of Wil- mette president of the alùrnnae, an4 the officers will recéive. Ail mern- bers of the North Shore Alumnae as- sociation are urged to attend. c.C.,Snyàcer,inc., iNtRioRt .DEÇORATORS bOI4!STIC AND O 4oru ?ABEtcs spCAKPruin uO £UQS 174 3 Serman Ave I. X~L!PItOUE 4UE!NL!AV1l4~ ht coits no more Io have yen.' ruge cieaned and vppard by ont oriental rug expertsa who &now hIa.w tge ahould ho cleined. The nap, the dyes, the fineness of veuvesj the age and condiion of «ehe tmg in carefuily , tudied t., deterunine ath em, nethod for eltanlng youar tmg. and prolonging their life. Entusmt the new books. A review of chi- in' me ai dren's books will be given by Mrs. 'well knC Harris Frazier (Wisconsin Alpha) given' th and the aduit books by MËs. E. L. Club of1 Middelton (Indiana Alpha). The abilitys meeting %vill-bé in the home of Mrs. C. O. Eoierson, 1116 Greenwood ave- nue, Wflmette.h The "All-Around Pi Phi" will be presented with a program of "Pi Phi National Achievements and Dis-I tinguished Members" rendered b