nival" for F. October 24 - 26 "Lady ENTERT.INENT AT DmecaiTS PINNALE 914EW tomokkOW F &mran Moran BertI BRIE For Fu! WeekBat. at Sda] Wirlelia EodBl oT IEGOYLOEDIBOY" liuseoHre oBr, PRIDùsTMPD" GINGER ROGERS David Niven **DACHELOR MOTIIER" Extra-Sat. Mat.: Dola Lugosi "PHANTOX CREEPS" of the le Plus" '6FRONTIER MWARSHAL" Wednesday-Thursday CAGNEY vs. RAFT 'EACH DAWN 1 DIE" Friday-Saturdjay Rtequest Progr&am BTEDAVIS ol0F .HUNAN Plus Joel MeCrea . $LôBT* SQUADRON"I Sun.-Mon.-Tues. ROBRT DONAT Mit. CHIPS"I And Seleisi SHORT StIDJECTS Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. Louis lHavward r iimirs counili. Key 'A-Adults, C-Children, 8 to 12 years of age; Y-Youth, 13 Io 18 years of age; F-Entire family. Wilmette Theater Ocbtoer 19-21 "Man in the Iron ,Mask" for A and Young A. -Career" for A and Young A. .October 22-23 -l Stole a Million" for A and Young A. "Winter Car- nas nunareds of înem from all parts of the world. * .DANCING Clases 4()cTypes Privateor0 uf ~A Dancing Classes in BALROM Alil Aes IIIGH SCHOOL CLASSES Now StarUng JUINE MAJOR of> DANCING 1912 Central St. No. Evanstan Gre. f6M Phonos: Wilmette or Wlenetka 3900 Sem A d i. -a- Aeres f Free Parking hSpace Land t20, fer one Funl Wek p "GOLDEN BOY"o L Barbara Stanwyek u s Willam Holden IPlus "THE hAN IN THEIl I Louis Haywarf--Joan D William Holden, the year's cramatie ftnd, is show'a in a typically dlynamic scene with Adolphe Menjou and Barbara Stanwyck in the screen version of the Clifford Odet's smash, "Golden Boy." SMASK", ett