Prices have been SLASHED to SELL 1939 FORD Deluxe coupe-Very low mileage eosmpletely equipped .................. ...... 1938 CHEVROLET Deluxe master 5 pass. trunk sedan. A beautiful performer ...................... '1937 PACKARD Super 8 seven pass. trunk sedan,.radio, heater, @ide mount@, white wall tires .......... 435-7 GREEN BAY RD. $545 $495, $775 to make room for ears coming in on 1940 models. 1937 FORD convertible trunk sedan, radio, heater, new $495 top .................... .................. 1937 FORD 5 pass. sedan, $295 niany extras .......·····.··.·.. 1936 FORD Deluxe station wagon, has had good care *365 and is ready for a big job ....... fè FU¶ à ¯E SALES INC. rUTHORIZED FORD - MERCURY 8 - LINCOLN ZEPHYR DEALERS and DISTRIBUTORS WILMETTE 535-536 • Consumer sold with fuel is a positive guarantee of ful weight and complete satisfaction Consumers Ompany O F•1L Lt1NO0I1S COAL-FUEL OIL-ICE Phones: Wilmette 1300 - Winnetka 3386 - Glencoe 75 2738 GREEN BAT ROAD WE HAVE SIERVED 'I TLUPEONE THE NORTH SHORE FOR OVER A UNIVERSITY 7700 - BItARGATE 3838 QUARTER OF A CENTURY I.