A program of American rmusic has been arranged by the program chair-' man, Miss Clara Maas, for the No- vember meeting of the, North Shore Musicians club, on Tuesday after- noon, November 7, at the *home of Mrs. Holman D. Pettibone,, 698 Blackthorne road, Winnetka. Assist- ing the. hostess will be Mrs., Charles H. Elliott ' Mrs. A. L. Weixel, and Mrs. Herbert Mulford. There will be two-piano numbers by Eulalia Kober Stade and Mrs. Pettibo ne, vocal numbers by, Fran- ces Evans, and a violin group by Winifred., Towndsend 'Cree.. Miss: Margaret Loomis, pianist, wil .also, be on the program. The attention of members of the club is now. centering on the sale of tickets'for the benefit concert which they will holà on Tuesday evening, November 14. The meeting place o! the concert, originally annoumced as the Woman's club of Wilmo1tt. has since been changed to the home o! Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, 786 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe. 8chbiIaruhIp Funid The purpose o! this annual benefit concert is to raise a sum of money for the club's scholarship fund, a fund Which makes it possible for some worthy student of music to pursue a musical training. For the pgst few years the scholarship has oone to Margaret Jean Cree of Win- The children will be accompanied by the school superintendent, Elmer L. Nygaard, by the teachers, Rich- ard Purdy, Misa Edith Stryker, and MISÉ Aànn Pemberton, and by.their music. instructor,.- Miss Margaret Davenport. The Rev. Leland. Ho- bart Danforthi,-rector of .the parish, will welcome themn at the church- yard. The program will open with the playing o! "America"' on the tower' chimes, vibraharp, and organ o! the church, and the children will then sing a stanza of the song, a cappella. Mr. Nygaard will' give a brie! biog- raphy o! Eugene Wield and the Rèv. Mr. Danforth is to relate several ainecdotes o!, the poet's Hie. <*O.A"CAS'RANGE