i30 loi. WAV.., Wlsfft 4200j should be welcomne. Mrs. McClintock. is the ýEvanston director. Reserva- tions must, be in thé office by No- vember 6. The luncheon ho Ur lis 1:30 o'clock. ffiday, November,3, is citizen- ship day for .Scouts. A five-minute NORTH SHORE HEALTH RESORT NoM-«iM edftoo oi a oea. ConvalMoet cmm. XMMdnetvus dmrdoe. 2a0o0iL, Page VHOC@LATES HOME STYLE CANDIES ......lb. IU'W ASSOTENT .. lb. 45c NVTS, FRUITS &0 SPECIALTIES . .Ib. 1iOC CHOCOLATES .. lb.69e BLACK RASPRERRIES Betw.ee Two Loyers of NEW YORK ICI CREAM 22ePackage of watermanshlp. Other advernturesi many otf wbich -have been. deveoped by the girls themselves,, Include an Eskimo dot sled ýtËp. By tom Gaties Darkness and wind, "'Yeo, stroke" repeatedly resounding through. the. cold air.- This was the scene at the Wilnette.Harbor during our:final of- fiilmeeting therethis week. The quotation is heard unceasingly as the schoonier is motivated by man- power, and.was evidence of this im-ý petus. Announcements included an over- ,nigbt cui4sç toChicago this ek end; therefore, preparations for it are being speedily concluded. In an effort to perfect these plans, and to plan forthcoming indoor meetings, Skipper Fred Mass was 'host to the ship's officers at his home Tuesday evening. These included Mate Ed Colegrove, Crew Leaders George Randaîl and Tom Gatles, Assistant Crew Leader Bud Streed, and pros- pective quarterdeck officer, Gordon Sehuber. IJnavoidable absent was tremely well done. Two practical books are Marvel's "Circling the Caribbéan" and Sea- ton's "Let's Go to the W e s t Inidies." Thelatter tells you what to do w#ith,.your shore leave, and how: to spend your monon native cur- los. Another guide book with charm,"is "Ports of' the Sun" by Eleanor EarlY. Then there 18 the stimulat ingand éxcellent book on the Bahamas 6 Isies of June" by Bell._ And the very British description, of an en- chanting island -."barbadoes" by Savage. ýOther books that offer, suggestions are: Other books that offer suggestions are: Foster-Caribee, Cruise. :.. Hiergesheimer-Sani Cristobal de la Habana. Holdridge-Escape to the Tropics. Hurston-Teil My Horse. McKenua-By Intervention of Providence. Pàrnè&-Wegt lndiai< Odyssey Wright-Revels îi Jamnaica. Bowman-Crusoe's Island ti the Caribbean. Socialized Medicine To Be Debate Topie 1 A debate on the problemn of social- ized medicine has been arranged un- der the joint sponsorship of the' Par- ent-Teacher association of Lincoln ss meeting of trie sea- Ison. __________________________________________To Wlnter Berth Saturday afternoon the Sea Scouits will gather at the harbor to remove the schooner from the water. Sun- lB. PAGLILARULO daymrorning asethcrir ~66 "F~1~ ~F~T, Phon For their generosity and co-, WiJU.t Ave. JEE LE 06 pration. we thank Harbormnaster um,., corner of Sheridani roaci and Greernleaf, avenues, Evanston. The subject agreed upon. is "Shaîl the Care of the Sick be a Goverriment F u n c t i o n." Designation of Dr. Jero)meý R. Head for thé negative side and Attorney Stanford'Clinton. for the, affirmative, it has been an- nounced. Birth Çontrol Meeting OIR UEJEWLtim amins iSaITout' Est hil1e Robert is a member j cay mino mnan class.- Florida. j c." WiImeIt. 400 on a iùx 74