Crisp end crunchy to please the Most discriminating. Served eat al bourg with lots of butter20 and pure -Maple, Syrup. . 2 Witii Miekieberry's Fr: 35c Wlelte Caife Opposite Village Hall Iowa vs. Purdue W INTERIZE Yo.r Car PRESTONE ALCOHOL LUBRICATION BATTERIES Rodl*fors Flumlm.d Nos. Connections Checked HILLUS 421, Gr.een BoyRd. SER VICE STATION Wit. 744 ]Ina~a ve.Ohio $tate APTER THfE GAMlE In eaelm .dveraisui.ut on this page are the. narmop of two seloos whose football teauns meet Saturdey. Try t. gnosste i total pointe that wlll ho scored in thsme ine garmes-JUST ONERFGU1E is wanted represent- ing thne total of all the points scorewl by the, 18 teansi 9 garmes. Eacth of thé. frtthroo porions who hrmnge or soude t. the WILMEITE IFE office cor- - reci amswers (or. the nearést correct) WinI bo gvna roserved meat ticket t. the North- western-Puirduo game.. ALL ANSWERS MUST, BEACH wILMETI'E *LIFE OFFICE (or. ho post-nuarkod) BE-* FORE NOON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4. NOW ON- Drive It DISE-LAY 1-940 EYE if! TRY if! and. BUY if! IAo Swt IL/a~# Ji to ILY/ew CL evrot VILLAGE Dy Leuhaag Usa ServIe Four Car WASHING - GEEASING SIMONIZIG PENNSYLVANIATIRES DRIGGS'" TEXACOSERVCEI GomBay mmd Washinotbu Av&. viroe,3n1 VCTOR. s lrhl Swing Music c Symphony QUINLAN RECI Service 1151 WIIpvi*.Av. New Trier vs,. OakE ORD Wil. su* Park Reody for the Kick-Of Now off.ring a com- plote bumper #0 bupr service. Ail1h. noeseand C ~lafWeipquipmenut for washlng & greing. onrequest NortiiwesterI uv. Mimue»t& 619 Clark Si Navy vs. PenneYlvauila 0007