tuns urne. The Church achool reports new niem- bers ant! active interest. AU classes mie«t at 10 a. in. on Sundays. The ou0nger members enjoyet! a fine Hal- uo sparty rece ntly. The Aduit Class Invites meni end *Womeu to study '!The Growth of thie ibi." under the hteach-i Ing 1mJnistry of Pester Alsn Ou Rlgh School Yonng People'. so- clety meets Sunday eventegs et 6:30 o'clock with John Bell as president. Prac- tical religlous discussions are the rule. cnt! fellpohip pcniod follows., We* ooperete wlhh the New TIrier Sun- day ECvenlnig club, which resurnes ihs p>grâm Sunday evening, November 5. ofAflhs wifl offer the openng prayer tof ucon. Tilougil the loyal giving of rncny. another substantiel reduchion. of our ehurch morhgages. heu becti a ccompllsh- Ot. In addition specl gWfts have beau- tifledtheb grounds with evengreen plant- inas nderthe ireçtion of >Mrs, A, E. Boys' cho Ir rebearses. on Thursdays et 4 o'clock, with senior chorus ah 8 o'clock. Girls' choir rebeerses on Sahur- days et 9:30. The next luncheon of the Wonan's uochehy wil be. heit! on Frlday Novem- ber 10. The prograrn will have ho do wth "Russie, Old and New." lloly Comorter (Episcopai) Kenilworth avenue and! Warwick roat! Keniworth Lobant! Hobart, Danfortil, rector. 2M14 SUNDAT MPTER TMIY 8 AJ...... Hoy commninon 9:30 A. M. .Swday Scilool Il A.... HoIy Communion and! Sermon "~And!antino ....... César Franck Virginia Knapp Processional-"Rejoice, the Lord 1s King ........... Prker Introt-"Set Tour Affections On Things Above' .:............ Geul Blym««Pralse ho the Holiet" ...Dykes !van Nybiad., berltone Communion Hymn-"Let Thy Blood!, hoI Mercy Poured' ........... Cruger Reccsslnal-"I ileard a. Soun~d of Voices" ............ Storer Glare John Thomas, choir master MONDjAy. NOVEMÉ1 7:30 P. M. - Boy Scouts .meeting ln the parisb hou 8 P. l.-The Vestry nieets fice of the parlsh bouse. TUEGDAT, NOVEMBE 7 P.M. - Boys'. choir pract) parish bouse. 7:45 P.M. -- Adult choir1 the parlsh bouse. 8WEDNESÙAY MOVEE tion meets in the. parish It is an organization for a people newly startec! this' one of collège age or over *Ail church. people are unrg in their radios next Sunday n our presidlflgbishop's nation-i cast over the Columbie netw« Chicago i me). Kentilrorth Uni Dr. Herbert. L. Willett,i Dr. WiI1ett's subject forS vember 5., will be "The Se Savior." The church sérlvic£ The ruséftrtrné hfineh i be as foflows: .0rean Prelude-Savior of the jHeathen. Corne........... Opening Sentence-- Oh, Hov Father .... Anthem-O Savior of teW Offertorv-Air for the G Stri Solo-There is a Green Hill1 Far Away ... .... (Mllr, Tanner) The Sunday school wlll me. There are classes for childrt the ages of thé kinderearte high school. Visitons are we The Wo*en's Guid will ni morning, November 6. at Lunolicon wll be uerved et hostesses wtll be Miss M! IC; G; . .ttell. Mrs. Grrnt HIc Mrs. Charles Ware. The i ouildIsl for the benefit nfg ln which the women of the the communlty are interested en of Kenilworth not otherwi on Mondeys are invited to st work. The autflmn church dinner' nt the Kenilwortb. club Wedr ning, November 29. Pleesei date. Wilmette M et hù to attend. iER 6 have theiri A felIlowship dinner for men wll be use. heit! Friday evefl'ng at 6:30 o'cdock. This ln the of- is sponsored by the Men's Work com- mittee and the Men's Bible class. The toastmpster i8 Horace Young. Music by EIR 7 Dean MeFloy. Rev. C. H. ('«Peu") New- Lces Inth am of Corenant Mtoitchurh'in practies ln ject will be, «mrc Go' Coun- IBER 8 Our Scout troops nicet as follows, V' organiza- Girl' Scout Troop 2 -Thursdayis et bouse. > 3,45.pm olcter young GWi Scout Trooe 4- Tuesdays. et 3:45 ~realr.Y" verv P. m *lu nvitet!. Boy Scout Troop à -Tuesdays eat.*7:30 ged to tune rnornlng for The PhIlathea class will nicet Tuesday wide broad- evening. Novemiber 7, Inthie.. Woman's ,ork (0 A.M. room eat o'elôck. Movies' will be shown by Mr. Ira Reynolds. The Slxth division will have a bake * sale Saturday, November 4,, at Win- 50fl ters Groceryi 1146* Central avenue. miniter On Sunday. November 5. there wifl be Sunday. No. a Lakeside Sub.fltstrich Epworth. league ce and thE rally ai Hemenway church, Evanston. ,e is at 1l On Tuesdav evening, November 7. a sc.rvloe Wtu icago e or4hewa Distrit iner met ing will be held at First Methodist e churtbh E'vAnston. ....Bach Palestrina Firat Congregational Tot! . Goss . John G. Hindley, minister n...Bach Alex B. Ferguson, direchor of rellgious Gounod' . education SUNDAY SERVICES iee a -9:5.Church school ....... ...9:30 a.m. ce t94.Primary ................... 10:40 a.m. rn ant!te Kindergarten................ 10:50 a .m. en an theMorning worship .............il1:00 a.m., relcorne. Kcappa Pi Phi ............... 2:00 p.m. .eet Monday. Amicl Dei..................., 5:00 p.m. 10) o'elpck. Dr. H!ndléy's sermon Sundey l b 12:30.The .Why 1 Love My Own Church." The dgway. anfd music for the mornlng worsh14, will )>e vrik of the as follows: goond causes Organ Preude-lIeverie ....... Ferrate church and Quartette- "Blind and! Alone"........ Matthews d. Al wofl- Offertoire Anthern-"O. Lord ise engaared how Maniford ............... Barnby ;hare in this Organ Postlude--TocCata ... . Fletcher will be heit! CALENDAR OF THE W1999 Inesday eve- Fidkay, Noveinber .3 reserve the 12:30-Central circle 8--Abracadabra. Saturday, November 4 -~ 9:30-Campfire Girls Monday, November 6 Wist 7:30-Boy. Scouts. Troop I eavenue Tuesday, Novembçr 7 iter 7 :30-Bcy Scouts. Trp)op Il MENS8 CLUB The meni of our churcli are asicet to réserve Monday evening, November 13. Detailet! announcemént wil be mae! later. NEW TRIER SUNDAY EVENING CLUB This, church is.proudof this club and! is glad hot announocelits opening. Dr. Preston Bradley, the speaker for Sunday, November 5, wfll, give bis message, "Whet Amenie Cen Do Nowv." Pirat Presbytergkrn Ninhh street et Greenleaf avenue. James T., Veneklasen, -mipister The morning orship ser-vice wifl be held et ilo'cock. The ministen .wl» preach en the theme, l'Opening Seelet! Orders."ý We Invite you to worship with Us. The musical, prgrarn for the morning w#orship service, anranget! by Miss Eri, me Rounds, orgenist -* director, will be, as follows: organ prelude," Noble; pro. cessional, 'WhÏo Trusts lài God"; enthem, "V/bat of the Nlghh?- Thompson, Max-' well Rush. and the choir; solo, "The Mighty God Hath Spoken,". Case, Et!. ward Otis. soloist: organ postlude, "Toc- cata in B flat," Bernes. The Sundey school hieets n ail de. partments et 9:30 o'clock. The Pastor's class for. those who wlsh ho prépare for church memnbership wWl meet for e haif-hour Sunday mornmng et 9:30 o'clock. The Adult Bible cleus wil meet et 10 o'clock in the chepel to shudy the -Prey- er of David for his People." We invite you te study with us. Junior church will care for the chil. dren of parents Who attend the morning worship service, The Tuxis club. the high school group of young people, wli l eet in two sec- *tions next Sunday. Those who care to do sô willi attend the- North Suburbati Tuxis relly et Northbrook, leving the church et 2:30 o'clock. Those who do flot at- tend this reIi.v wlfl meet et this chuncb et 5:30 o'clock, as usual. Russell Leech will lecd the discussion of the tople. 'ijsing Money to lEnrleh Life." AUl young people of high achool age are invitet!. The Westminster Fellowship, the col- lege and! post-coflege group, wlll meet with Miss Evelyn Robeck, 824 Ashiat avenue, et 6:30 o'clock. The discussion wiil be on the hoplc, "W/ho Mekes Up MY 'Mnd"- After the meeting, the group will be enterteinet! wihh pictures by George LoWell. 1--mmIlý -