Three Wilmetté students, R o s s Porter,, Robert Macforran, and Clfford Groh, were among the students at Northýwestern university recently promnoted to higher posi- tions in the school's Naval, Reserve Officers'. Training corps, by C o m- mander N. C. Gillette, director of the unit. .Northwe-stegrn university is oné o! a llmnited number'0f institutions se- lected by the U. S. Navy to main- tain a Naval- R. 04 T. C.. unit. It is the only endowed' unive roity in the middle West Whieh offers ec'ourses in naval science- and tactics. Enrolîment in. the organization, which is divided into'basic and ad- vanced courses of two years each, is entirely voluntary but a success- fuI completion of both is required for graduation. At present 210 un- memDers at rdormhwesr univer- sity, held recently at Patten ýgym- nasium. Orchesis is a national hon- orary dancing %society for the a&d- vancement o! creative dancing. El- igibility for membership is based on êne's technical ability and promise o! growth in creativeness.. :Miss Henderson, a memberof Alpha Phi, soial sorority., is a junior in the school of speech. She is a daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. E. E. lHenderson. Mariha,,Jean Karnopp Named-toOrche49 Admitted this, week to Orchesis, exclusive honorary dance group. on the Stephens. college campus was MiS Mta Jeafhi ~n KT<norm. wLniwh- Forest avenue. Heiet eruiivuuasa -- " ----- senior at Northwestern and is a Orchesiïs bas as its primary interest member o! Delta Upsilon fraternity the. modern dancei and wlll give a and the Inter-fraterlllty council. series o! small recitals and one ma- MacMoran, also a graduate from jor program thîs year. Two.faculty New Trier, is the son of Mr. and advisors offer occasional sugges- Mrs. William MacMorran o! 1326 tions, but otherwise the group plans Central avenue. He is enrolled as a its own programs and works on its senior at Northwestern in the com- owII themes and ideas. merce school. ,- 1 -By MroeMc]LeaLeary Sh ol Conultant In last week's issue of this news magazne, we.,discussed some of the advantages of the junior. college for the' girl who wishes somne additional study, after, the * '~ "highschôol -,course. We should 1li ke .to present here somne ideas for those who are equippedthù-rough interest to pursue four or m ore years of study. We believe that the y'oung wom- an who, hashd adequate prepar- Bernie Photo ation and a' de- Marjôrie Leary termination t 0 for four or more years should, when- ever it is possible; attend the four- year college. We believe this, knowing, that while it is flot impos- sible for the young woman to corn-, plete the two years o! college work prescribed by her future college, in the junior college, and to, trans- fer from it to the four-year college, only a very small number o! stu- dents in the junior coflege have this NOITU WESTERN" anwmces makes daily stops Il