ing of money to belligerents, and Ma-ry rKatheen, at the Jvanston hos- barring, the travel of, Americans on Pi'tal Wednesday, October 18. Mary belligerénts' ships and shipment of Kathleen has two sisters, Nancy and muni tions in American bottoms, Cynthia. Congress hoped to legisiate us out of any. future involvement ini foreign MOVE FROM ICENILWORTH war. Dr.. and Mrs. E. C. Pickard and No so Simple Now family, atter being residents of Ken- "But the problem is flot so simple" ilworth for ftve years, have moved Mrs. Wright continues, "as that. Now that froml 529 Park drive i that village, this act is being put to its greatest t est 13 we find the President and a, substaintïal to 13 Maple avenue, Evanston.