Akimnê ,Active in Regionsi Parney M any North Shore alumnae ae interested in the regional. confer- ence wýhich the mid-west alumnnae of. Mount Holyoke coilege wiil hold No- vember 18, at the -Lake. Shore Ath- letic club. Cailed "'A Close-up. of Coilege Froni a Distance" it wil draw several hundred women fro M cities and towns in ilinois, Indiana,' Iowa, Kansas,.Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, North Dakota.. South Dakota,, Wis-, conisin, and Perinsylvania. Ini addition, to alumnnae officers, among the Important 'guest speaký- ers wil be Rosweil Gray Ham, pres- ident .o!, the ,colegp, and various other colegê.officiafis. mrade general chairman of the, con- ference. Among the members serv- Ing on her committee are Mrs.. James J. Forstail of Winnetka, an alumna trustee of the college and a former president of the Chicago Mount Hoiyoke club, also Mrs. George Spaulding of Giencoe, for- mer president o! the club. Mrs. For- stail will preside at the afternoon session o! the conference. Mrs. opportunty to relieW college, ac- quaintances and see motion pictures .of coilege life todaY. .Among the North Shore aiumnae whG will serve on the hospitaiity commlttee for the conference are Mrs. Elwood IHansmann of Highland Park, formerly o! Glencoe, M r S. James G. Carr, Mrs. Philip Will, Jr., and Miss Louise Meals, ail of Evanston, and Mrs. W. F. An- deson of (Genview. The North Shore womnens commit- tee of the Ainerican Jewish Congres is planning an open meeting an~d tea on Friday, November 10, at 2 o'clock at the North Shore Congregation Is- rael temple.. Rabbi:Stephen S-ie !the Free Synagogue of New York City,. will be theý speaker., Rabbi Wise, a national and internationally Iknown figure -in Jewish affairs, is the president of the, American Jewish Congress. At present- he :is serving on -the Inter- governmenital committee for refu- gees, and is in close touch. with the European situation. The memibers of the North' Shore committee. who are1 planning this ,meeting are the mesdames Milton J. Krensky, Martiry S.,Loventhal, Jr., Ren Z.RanvaDrt. Ira Fisher.. Na-, Mrs. Cecil Meredith of Keni- worth is chairman of the refresh- ment committee for the teaz which the North Shore Alumnae of Al- pha Phi will give Wednesday af- ternoo&, November 8, from 3 until 5 o' duc k, at the home of Mrs. R. C. MeNamara 20 Indiant Hiflroad,. Winnetka. Changes Meeting Place The place of meeting for the No- vember luncheon and session of the Skokie Valley chapter, D. A. R., has been changed. It wiil be held -at the Indian Trail tea room in Win- netka, instead'of at the Georgian, as. stated i the yearbook. The date is Monday, November 13. Luncheon their fiE Chi Omega Mothers to Sponsor Evening Bridge The Chii Omega Mother's club ia giving an evening bridge party at freshments will conclude the eve- ning.. Ail alumnae and parents of Chii Omegas are urged to attend this event. Snow Bail Executive Plan Tea to Honor Pledges, Motiiers .Ini honor of the pledges and their mothers,, the North Shore alumnae of Alpha Phi' will hoid a tea on' Wed- nesday, Novernber 8, from 3 until 5 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. R. C. McNamarar, 20 Indian Hili roadl, Win- netka. Mrs Earl Cooper,. hospitality chairmhan of group 2, wiil be, gen- eral chairman for the tea. She will. be assisted by Mrs. Staver Moulding, who has had charge o! the invita- tions: and transportation. Mrs. Alfred Wiltberger cs hair- man of the reception committee, Miss Frances Cutier of the dining roomn committee, Mrs. C. W. Mere- dith ofthe retreshment committee, and Mrs. Clarence W. Happ has had charge of the publicity. In the receiving line, Mrs. LeRoy Shetnpresident of the North Shore alumnae, wil be assisted by Mrs. Jesse Carr, the district governor o! Alpha Phi; Mrs. MeNamara, Mrs. E. E. Henderson, president o! the, Mother's club of Alpha Phi, and Miss Rita von Zitzewitz, captain of the piedges. Mrs. S. 0. flalderston, Mrs. T. C. Mouiding, Mrs. Walter Diii Scott, Mrs. R. F. Potter, Mrs. B. C. Cor- hptt. MUrs.Shermnan Charles, Mrs. 0. Plant Monstrosity to Be Discussed ai Club Monstrosities in the plant world, known as gails, will be discussed by Mrs. L. B. Kendall at the meeting of the Wilmette Garden club Friday afternoon, November 3, at 2 o'ciock, at the home of, Mrs. Elliott Young- berg, 419 Washington avenue, Wil- Today" wffl be Lillian P Mdent Ham's ad- tor. Eve meeting. and menr -i avis ýrs of the th e Lz'T ~-Palmer Ho Miss Virginia Lil is in charge o! ter nour.is o f Kenil-' ýservations. thesu dress 'I