These, me.n. work in close harmQny With the Sanitary district of Çhica- go, the,, Wirnette park board andý the Village of, Wilniette in operating one of the largest recreational proj- ects in 'the area. Besides the actual' businesmngemnent of the. hàrbor, their greatest concern is for, the safety of life and property, it was pointed out. Operate at Capacity '*Plans for the future are* decid- edly harnpered by the lack of .all encouragement relative te, procur- ing federal aid for enlargement of the present five acores of anchorage. The resuit of this situation makes it impossible to offer anyprospect of accommodations for newcomers. Many people are anxious to enter the yachting field, but are unable to ,do so for this reason. During 194(3 it wil'l be impossible to rnoor any' boats other than those previously *cared. for,", the associations offi- cers declared. THIEF TAKES BICYCLE Miss Sally Warden, 1001 Linder! * avenue, reported .to police that her bicycle had been stolen from the rack. at the rear of Teatro del Lago, CORtRECTION Preceding the dance a group of ,New Trier seniors are giving at the Stevens hotel on December 23, -a party for the bostesses and their escorts will be given at the home of Joan Kilner in Kenilworth. Cock- ta ils will not be served as errone- ously stated in last. week's issue. CHRISTIAN SCIEN CE SERVICES "Christian Science" will be theý subjeet at the services in Firstl Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wii- mette, Sunday morning, Decémber 24, at Il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sundayl school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Indian Stimmer, heap fool 'em! Central, Avenue, WilmetteCentral pHA