Ridge, Ave.'PI Lake md i g.j At Our Two Depedable Store. harmnacy Spider-Cazel, Drug M16 CAND Wilmtt. 400 TO PLE<4SE THE MOST F14STIDOUiS Rings -Lockets -Brace- lets - Compacts Cultured Pearis - Watchies Dresser Sets,,. Buxton Billfolds EveÉtng flags Musical Make-up Boxes CULTURE» lies PEARLS 4S- Slver-Both Sterling and elry- Sterling NaPkin Rings ig Charm.s mas for Boys 4ad.Girls Staff Photo The Peter C. Conradl residence, 556 Chestnut street, an old land- mÜark now in the business section of Winnetka, was sold this week bl, Mirs. Conrad and, is to be torh down. to make réomr for a -modemn com- mercial building to be occupied. by the Atlan tic and Pacific Food Stores. The sale was made -by E. Sawyer ing inoney on that slough la n*d in Smith Realtors. to uncisc]osed pur- Winnetka. chasers represented by Attorney. While not revealing- the present Robert J. Nordhold. The sale price sale price of the property. Mrs. Con- was not revealed. The lot, on which rad said that back before the depres- ~the old hme9tead was 1b1iIt 45 yers iÔr, thiey fefused a cashi offèr of ago, has a frontage of 74 feet on $60,000,' "but I sold for a lot less IChestnu t street and is 187 feet inlta ht"seadd dePth. .Mrs. Conrad lias a daughter, Mrs. Mr. Conrad, a pioneer tearning and Hazen Foster, residing in Harvey.1 excavating contractor of the village, Another daughter, the late Mrs. Rob- passed away in 1932. Mrs. Conrad. ert Tobin, passed away in 1928. upon completion of the sale, rnoved _________ to 918 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woos.One oldfo $00List New, Books on SPubliec p ,«w . 1 ui uPa ved, she sa id. and opposite theîir re house. to the e~*ast, was-an old- barnI Cole j in .which the delivery lmrses for the Disney- Max K. Meyer" store, at Elm streetr Farjeci and Green Bay road were kept. Gane Mrs. Conrad said the taxes on the SayersE Wallinf property the first year after they frier% buiît, was $2.71, as compared to Webb- $487.00 which she paid last year.. Dto Winnetka "SIough Land" Birkela ýLengye She Tecalled the difficulty she and1 Crow . 1Rauschning-+ ,st ziaini ummus,,nU ather Brown Ormbus. Blackmiail, n Swan Murder. m Dead. )Id Must Die. of the Painted Desert. Poison. »-pse with the Rted-haired ars Spel_ Death. ke That. the Clock Back. of .NIbilism. jf;. t M ~-