VOGUE CLEANERS NEW OFFICE AND FUR STORAGE VAIJLT NOIV OPEN . .. John B. Nash a nnounces the opening of this new store to hletter serve the residents of this imme- diate area of the North Shore. Included in this store i s a mode rn Storage vault for the safe keeping of furs and fur trimmed: garmntswhich are kept in a controlled temperature of 22 degrees above zero. 2,000 garments may be accommodated. Positive prýotection. *21n .L.1 U!.A. .....~- U- m ousveuur vmis ne tWUven to WUÇU visifor urito u Pecepor end Jeaary QUALITY DRY CLEAN1NG. Masters in-.the Art of CASH AND CARRY - 25% DISCOUNT )es and Houselzold Fisrnishings and 38-44 GREEN. BAY ROAD ew o :, INDIAN HILL 38,Green Býoy Ro a - - 40 Green Bay Roud. 42 Gréen, Day Roud Delicious Bowman Ice Cream Save Time- See S urs .il 231 1 1 1