Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1939, p. 34

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Wedding Ceremony The Rev. Floyd E. Bernard of AUl Saints church, i Chicago, god- father of 'the bride and the marnme rector who mnarried ber parents, of- fiiated iast-Saturday afternoon at. the wedding of Miss Patricia. Davis, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul X. Davis, 250 Woodstock avenue, Kenil- Worth; and -Robert .H. 1.Bethke -0f Newe York City, son of Mr. and Mns. William Bethke of Chicago. The 4:30 c'clock cermony took place in the .Church of the'Holy Comnforter, decorated. w -i th, large white chrysanthemumfs and white tapers. On the altar were bouquets of smnaller white flowers. At the Davis home, where a receptior> followed, the decorations were white snap- dragons, whit e. roses, and chrysan- themnums, the receiving ulne forming before. a background of cibotium fern, tail candies, and standards of white flowers. The bride was gowned in white satin mnade simply with high neck- line and long sleeves. Buttons trim- med the back of the dress, and she wore a fingertlp veil held in place wlth a halo of orange biossoms. Her flowers were liles of the valley. The majd of honor and four brides- malds wore satin dresses ail made alike with short sleeves, full skirts, buttons trîmnint he bn,. k Mi- ivitis x,ýa.erm uuiemke (te -rde- groomn's s i s t e r) of Chicago, the bidesmaids, w e r. e i dusty rose pink. Their tiny'bats were of ruffled net with v elv e t streanters down the * back. R o u n d bouquets o! button chrysanthemums matched the gowns o! the bridesmaids. In the bouquet o! thre maid of honor was a toucir of white, and blue iris harmon.izing with her dress of hyacinth. * Arthrur Bethke was bis brother's thre part of RÙinhi e scene of Ruthr and Naomi, s in g ing "Whither Thou Goest," in 'the pageant -Down Through thre, Ages," written by Mrs. Charles E. Shuirnan for presentation Wednesdayj«f ternoon, Decem ber 27, in thre temple of thre Northr Shzore Congre gation Israel. Thre event is thre Mot her-Daughter program. of thre Sisterhood. To Conclucle Reviews With Drame Review The final lecture i the 1939 se- ries o! book reviews, which Miss Eleanor Ells Perkins is giving for the- sixtir consecutive year, under the auspices o! t he Evanston Friends o! T h e Chicago Junior school, will be heard at 1 lneksl-,L .,On this occasioi * dition, and the sim mas will be broui girlswho have si o! the council in character develoi justiment.- At - the club, -the girls wi byJames Bradie, the- -ZngiCKVol *A real, climnax Will follow with a ga3 banquet. andý the delivery of :gifts tc each of the participants.. North Shore women have contrib. uted a large-portion o! assistance tc Santa Claus for the party,. according to Mrs. F. H,. Law o!f lossmoor, who is chairmran of the Christmas party committee. Among them are Mrs. Walter Cherry o! Kenilworth, and Mrs., Charle~s J. Munrn and -Mrs, Ed ward A. Brion of Glencoe. Mothers, Daughters 0f. Sisterhood to See Pageant Dec. 27 1Ruth, Eve, Marie, Naomi and Lii- lhan, are aIl going to be on hand on Wednesday, December 27. Who ar'e these people? If you come to the temple o! the North' Shore Congrega- tion Israel at 2 you wiil meet them. They are being presented to the mnothers and daughters of the Sis- terhood ini a pageant entitled "Down Through the Ages." Ini a series o! tableaux, theý story of woman's development is depicted.'- .Her vital place i the lite of eaè era is dramatically portrayed, so one huridred Chicago naClauis wilî flot* In Town Dec. 28 sutof!hewefl-Iaid ice Couneil for Girls A F'rench cafe on Michigan boule- cerber21, t 330 ard in Chicago is the designatçda )n, the festivity, tra- rendezvous.for ail alumnae and col-ý Ignificance of Christ- legiate members of Alpha Phi Inter- ight to this group of national fraternity this Christmas ought the guidance t tei pocsss f season.. Jacques' Restaurant, 900 epent and self-ad. North Michigan, will be taken, over Chicago Womnan's entirelyr by Alpha Phi for their annu- riii enjoy a. reading ai holidayý luncheon on Thursday, ey-Griffin, followedD yis primarily intended to be rnost. ofrivolous' and conversational, quite in the moodý of comparing, notes about the holiday. whirl, thé social grush, family activities, interscholas- tic gossip, and Junior's1 new. toys. Mrs. Ralph Strader, popular g Irand vice-president of Alpha Phi, a resi- dent 'of Evanston, is to be an honor- ed gUstet athlie luncheon. Hter re- cent t r i p) to National Panheilnic convention and ber visits to numner- ous chapters en route will turnish -the topic for an interesting talk as the highlight o! the day. Another speaker well known in this division of Alpha Phi as ifs district governor will be Mrs. Jesse G. Carr of Bever, ]y Hills, prornient in civic affairs, Who. wiIll give a short speech of Wei-, corne to the holiday gathering. Mrs. Frederick W * Boley (Alpha chapter) of. 7244 South CoIes street, Chicago, is. general chairman of ar- rangemnents for' the luncheon. Ifer committèe includes M r s. LeRoy Shelton of Glencoe, representing the North Shore alumnae, and their president; Miss Jean- Campbell, of Evanston, f o r the Uétropolitan Aiumnae chapter; Mrs. J. R. Sum- ners of Oakç Park for the West Sub- urban chapter; Miss Jean Wright and Miss Marjorie Wilson o! Chica- go, for the South. Shore alurnnae grou>. hanie f the o! Evanston, western Uni- . Suttle, 2131 entertain M- dinner party tras day. ie gn loods.

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