tint Untin.. for Child epdisgset.. sun. à à on Sale medin.h Ton rouies : Mà, .5O m, 25e .Ildays ,. ButeR Completé aséontenh -of Ginger Aies, Seltuers, Rlckeys, etc.. SpICIAIL HOILIDAY OFFER 12, PULL QUARTS 8.$1 plus deposit Regqlar $1.20 value A. FQBRRI PloeWlmfe35 Fightin' words are flying. A feud to the finish is in the mak- ing. Hostilities began when Charlie Me- Carthy started a blitzkreig against, his brother-in-(Bergen's) arxns, Mor-* timer Snerd, whoc) is, stealing a lot of Cha rlie's' limelight in Uniiversal's "ICharlie McCarthy, Detettive." First' round consi sted. of a devas-. tating salvo from both sides. Charlie's opening, blast. occurred when. Mortimer, instead of McCarýthy was calledi by Director Frank Tuttle for a- bit of, funny business in, the picture. Charlie immediately muùtter- ed something about a "he milk-nid- trying% to be an actor."1 Informed of CharlieB's words Mor- timer verbally classitled Charlie as a city sieker, a townie and a srart alec. MICKEY'8 'BROTIIER' John!Kellogg has been cast as Bill Edison, older brother ,of Thomnas Edison in the current Micke y Rooney starring film, '-Young Tonm Edison." nu- 1939 LI s 1940 BU@ocks North of GI.nview PHONE RESERVATtONS (s3 Plat.> G»LEN'#UIW 650 (T-B<ine Steak or Turkey) ISUNDAT DINNERS: Dec. 31. Served frein 12 fo 6 p.m. NEW VEAVS DAY: Serv.d Fr.. 12 o'clock - Ail Day CHISTMAS DAY DINNIR. S.rved AiIDay from 12 noon $1 SH-ERIDAN ROAD.* LONGBEACH 6M0!. *Fol.owing rmaud ust Holywood cStages svifl b day *Old-Time Fiesta MA bit of Southern California scen- Gene N fe*r M ery became Imperial Austria, when Un FOR FINE a quaint peasar>t fete in an Austrian MFV I ilaewas s'aedwith al heeus- s M.. WR.... RICU($ON'SI 4092. OELIVERYI 1! 1< S300 I