Roslin Uusei ha anamaing The following comments on films mnonopoly of camera attention in at local motion picture: theatres are. Howard Hawks' latest Columùbia pro-: furnîshed by the North Shore Bet- duction,. "His Girl Friday," in which ter Films courleil. she and Cary Grant are co-starred, Key- A-Adults; Ç-Children, 8 to with Ralph: Bellamny. 1 The' star appears in al but 13 12 years of age; Y -Youth, 13to1 scenes .of the romrantie comredy years of age;_F-èEntire 'aiY. drama.. 0f the 13 in which she does Teatro- del Lago, not appear-, more than half. are December 20 to, 24 - "Babes in mere flashes es-Ars"frF tàblishiflg char- acters or back- "Dancing CoeLd," for A and Young ground and en- A. tailing littie or no Deècember 25 to 28- "Thunder dialogue, Afloat,"' for, A ad YoungA In addition, Wilmette Theatre Miiss. Russell sets December 21 to 23 - "uin nthe a neW record bv Big House," for A. s pe a k ing 681 "Fighting Gringo," for F. wordsý in a tele- December 24 to 27 .Hollywood phone scene with- e Cavalcade," for. F. out a break. The "Four Feathers," for A and Young scelle wili only A ruri three minutes oni the screen, but Rosallnd Russell OLD STAGE T1ROUPERS it r-equiired floUrs ilr RoetnadChls of painstaking preparatiOn and pro- Wllrd Xtb±to play an Vli1ey an duction. Wlrn h lya to nan *The alrnost unprecedented nionop- a judge respectively in Paramorn ' oly <of camera time means that the "Remember the Night," in which actress must be on the set every BraaSawc n rdMc day wih o feetim o das ff. Murray are co-starred, played to- Share Camera Attention gether in New York ini"heWr Both Grant and Bellamy share rens of Virgmnia." nuh of this camnera attention, car-POOCSAT rying the romantic and dramatiePLOCSA Y roles with. Miss Russell in one of the Frank Borzage has been hobbling, fastest, most exciting comedies ever around with a cane, his right foot to corne out of Holywood. in .a carpet slipper. as, a result of a -- - -4- ainRivi, a field. I t' us I B New Pollcy harts Wed.-Tburs..Frl. Dasil Ratbbuse ;amen Cagney Plus Bob Hope "THEic CAT AND THE CANA#Ry" Saturday Matluee Annual Chrltmas Party' junib 9Popcorn Ball te thse ybungters Tues..WOtl.-ThuT5. Wallace DeerY plus La» Turner 'DAN<CING plus DlsiIey's New "-3 Little Pigs" Rit CHRISTMApS DAYr MATINER DAILY . Doors, Open 1:»1 Wedesday-TsWIY Loretta Te"ui "KENTUCKY KfPlS GeRY COOPER a RO-ELOMBARD "NOW AND11 Fwliday-SstutOai' submartué Wartarel, plus jackle Cooper "WHAT A - UPE*l Also 3 St9geMRot Sat. Mane:he= Sun.P Christmasu, Tuses. ANNA ?4UAGLE plus RichardI Arien Pl usWamtr couinofly GRET WAiLS* sawanI No0rris june Gale la "THME ESCAPE"1 Plus Wm. so<yI "iDlck Tracy" herlal 5-UNiT aSHOW-S4 Franchet Terne "F" TAND PLIRIOUS" PLU* Joe EB Brown TrOUCIHDOWN' Alled NoveRies