lTima- aussof packages t. delivoe oven in a year! Tet your telephone, comipany'ha. the Job of delivcrmng six million telephOne els a day right throug h i e ar. Each cali muet b. tndividuallY. routed. And it muet be, haùdled ýquffly, cheezply and aceurately. .. it muet b. a "1completely wrappod-up packag, delivered anywhere-usually wlthln a few sconds. It tàkeëg gn equlpmett to do acf Me1 that . 0. and Illinois Bell Te- phone equipment is the. fineat thuit cau ho had. It tales a reai spiri*t of servic aud the 24,000 men aud wotuen of the, Illinois Benl Telephone Company ame devoted to the. ideal of "11getting the. mesSage thmeuh."1 Yoiir telephoue us valuable to you becauso k will put you ilu suéwith ahnost any one, aII7whee, wlth whom you need or desire to talk-and with practically no effort or waste of tlxuo. 0f all the. things you buy, few serve you so well for so litti. cst as your telephone. If you hav.n't on, eider it today. E 1 UIJOOJ