Miwss Jessie Weiler1 is spending BsoH g~ Wi most of the holidays in Mexico. Mis1Bso HuhsW f Etta Mount is vlsitmng her brotherl Address Sun<lay Club. in C a lifo r n ia . - B s o d i o t H g e , f r The college la represented ithe Bso dwnHî1ugefr east by Miss Alida Shinn who is merl of Chicago and Wilmette, spencUng the. next week. with rela- leader of -the movement for Meth- tives In Philadelphia, and Miss Mar- [odist Uniion, senior bishop of the garet MePherson who is in "New Washington, D.ý C. area, highest hon- York for the holidays. or iri his denomination, will give the David W., Russell, assistant direc- New Year's Eve.address at the Chi- tor of the Chfidren's school, at theé cago Sunday Evening club in Or- National C oiege. of Education, is in chestra hall next Sunday night. Clif- - Côumus OWhere he will réad ford. W. Barnes wiIl preside and in-' two papers at the annual conlventioni troduce, him. ALReahor- RnmLio o 1-a Lýuxxrinar -was the new uniforms Wili be a src siah."1 The Apollo an Medlo By Wllia A~ Sader reen nta of the -former. olive clubs assisted. drab. Memorial Animal Event Spain H ave Favorable Seasen'IThe last pair of concerts conduct- Spaigo menities-the intang- blood, families with children,. where The past year 'has been exceed, ed by the founder were the Fr- 'ibles of real estate values-Apprais- ISpa ce i S Of prime importance. But ingly favorable for al work on the day - Saturday "'Popular" concerts er George Dalgety digs Up one for Iwh le t he inflated notions of value lagoons project, particularly that of of December 23-24. He died on Jan- __ is that have held over from the ercavting.. Wit&a coninuat4ioo,'f ry 4, 1905. Oni Janai7 , Iôjo11 the books. "0f al the arguments IPastgeneration, these faffiilies wi this advantage in 1940, it is expect- ing the funeral, Dr. Stock.conduct- offered by brokers in support of Ev- look elsewhere and BUY ELSE. ed that by the middle of the year ed the first Theodore Thomas Me- anston as the ideal community," IWHERE. The words: depreciation, the excavation will have been com- morial program, repreating it again, states George, "flot one broker has obsolecense, and old-fashioned need pleted. in the Auditorium on January 8. The to be p)olished up and applied locaily The Skokie lagoons C~C project program consisted of the Bach-AI-ý. ever mentioned the public library. ifastagnatmre odto.i owsiuce uy8 93 ie0 bert Chorale; Beethoven's "Eroica"; Yet, just recently, one woman told be.taverted on the North Shore. A the seven lagoons andI connecting Siegfried's Funeral March from "Die me that if it were not for the li- writer in a trade magazine states channels have been finished for Gtedmeug" a tas brary she would have moved long in the opening paragraph of an ar- some time, and the other two, Nos. 5 Tone poern, 'Death and Transfigura- ago.>' Looks like an opporunity for ticle "Why Do People Buy Old and 6, are practically completed. tion." the more lîterate members of our Houses?".-old liouses are like the The channel between Nos. 6 and 7 is For thirty-six years Dr. Stock has tribe to cash i n on a good sellilng poor; God mnust love themn because nowr being opened. annually played a memorial pair point. they are so- numerous." The Tower road p~arking area. for .Theodore Thorn.nn th od to spenda a: hom1e this week-end.J January 7. Enjoy Tiirkey Dfiner1 The concerts by the major orches- Those who remained in camp at, tra this week are devoted to the Christmas time were served a tur. m-emnory of Theodore Thomas, re-, key- dinnr ndsvrl eoaed verd founder of the Chicago* Sym-. trees were in evidence in theý com- *phony orchestra. His fondest., dream, pany, areas- and at National Park a permanent home for his orches- Service headquarters. tra, was, realized onfly, a few days A number of the boys are coin prior to his death when Orchestra Pleting. their. terms of enrolment at, Hall. was. completed. Mr. Thomas this ime,' and in, their honor a fare-; conducted the dedieator y concerton well dinner was .given at the camp, December 14 with a program con- last week. New recruits o flterssing of "Hail! Bright Abode,", place ilb omn t from "'Tannhauer", Beethoven's announced, -and ail the enroîlees ,are SympnP)y No. 5; Strauss, "Death looking forwaàrd. to receipt of. new and Transfiguration,"Y and the, Hal- moremanpassing, mention. Luring these days of large expectancies and slim realities, the "open house" was a splendid gesture of good fellowship by Bob Whitaker, Ralph Kraetsch, et al. The steady procession of real. estate folks from ail parts of the North Shore testified to it's popu-ý larity. Some one asked recently why we kept picking on the oid honue? Had - I ùyýlls"" In sllm o rel sttý "de,,7rdletrilsouh f Twe 1ýUOrnclwiu vucnsist or Beethoven's týe11hower' ppeoingreiestate Jile 5 riu ent rau suhéofTond CoriLanus overture: Brahms' Sym- "wa thE'h w e'a e ri g r e ty r d s 7 pe ce tfns d, nd phony No. 3 and excerpts from W ag- WATD-Lady or Gentleman t<> the spring will be extended on ýup to nerian operas: Entrance of the Gods sell real estate. Grooti time killer Dunidee road, as wil Forestway into Walhalla, from <'Das Rhein- andi fot too ambitions, andi able to drive, now open as far north as l" reuet c. ladRd support job. F'rank Pavlk Jr., Kenil- Tower road.ofte akrisfon"ieW- wrh"A boat house will he built during kure" > Voices of the, Forest, fromn Anun ~the coming year, and the plans cali "Siegfried," and the. Finale from Anappropriate if old, last ln sfranae ihfaciîtiesfoth "Gotterdammerung the weather prediction over the ra- meetings of camp fire groups such dio the day after Christmas-'"Not as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and Much CHANGE Today." Camp ire Girls...-, 'SYMP~HONY SOLOJSTS werec c 'ePed b1 'Le 0l rd of Pt or