Tuscany1 One of' the. outstanding ofteringso Sthe January Linen Sale are iese beautiful new band made Tuscany lace clohs. . . . Shown ini a charm- ing new paf11o,,hjhy are, in ienemWtvu, a w.nder- fu futribut. to the deft bands which fashioried +hem. Size 72x90 inches, in a qualify thaé is re- rnarkable for such a Iow prce. 398 MarquiselteI -ý.Curtailns PAIR Regular 3.35,,Vau e Housewives who annually tek. edventage of this' January Sale to renew their curteins will find, in addition to ail of the, old désirab'èfefures, many n' ones which tend +o enhence the. velue represented in tliis event . Here are features you only in made-to-order* *Unusually fine inarquisefte Ex~tra 'wlcle (51 inchet) wde enough lo crisscross would expect curtains* b.mmed WN 31 d?2eautiftt4 flew JIAnd 2ocLe Ail Liners Luncheon ClothS Size 52x52 inches.. . . Patterns of rare beauty, in à variety of glowing color combinations that provilo ample latitudie for idivduai seIeçtion. , ach, cloth 98 hnd blocked, on fine ail linen. No$kins to matceh, EAC1 25c each. EC MW