AN c~fd~ a) o Groceries end Dolica.ssn- FREE DELIVERY F, RETURN TO CLASSES Miss Betty Welch of Kansas City, Kas., Ieft Wednesday with ber bost- ess, Miss- Betty Gebert of Wilmette. to 'return to MacMurray college at Jacksonville, Ill. Miss Welch was a houseguest of. Miss Gebert during part . o! the holiday season. POPULAR CONCERT On Saturday night Hans Lange .will conduct the seventh Popular Symphony concert o! the season 'at Qrchestra Hall. 'lhe program consists of the Prelude to Hurnperdinck's "Haensel and Gretel"; Beredini's Symphony No. 2; the Suite fromn "Christmas Eve" by lRimsky-Korsa- kow, and Elgar's Variations .on an Original Therne. 9 . I 1 ad 5 fo 9 elka 2470-24 71 For the period from December 18 to 25,: inclusive, 560,0001 pieces of first class mail were received and dispatched or delivered. Frorm Decemb~er 13 to 25, inclu- sive, 2,500 sacks of parcel post mail were received. During the same pe- riod 273 sacks of papers were re- ceived. Parcel Post Increases From December Il to 25, inclu- sive, 2,037 sacks of parcel port were dispatched, as against 1,661. for a similar period in 1938, or an in- crease of 376 sacks. From December 12 to 25, inclu- sive, 57,732 pieces of third class mail were dispatched. .Mr. O'Connell expli s that the federal postal department bas cer- tain fixed rules upon which additions to the personnel and equipment are determined. Most important o! these is' the volume o! business done. When an office reaches the amount set the additions. become automatic. Evanston Commandçlry To Hold Inspection Evanston Commandery, No. 58, Knights Templar, will have its an- Mies. and Mrs. George W. Stewart, roquois road, spent Christmas Louis visiting thefr two fam- o o 1~ Announ<es the GRAND OPEN ING-SATURDÀY, IANUARY 6 of Their New Store of 40 GREEN BAY ROAD INDIAN HILL SOUVENIRS TO ALL VISITORS