John Milton. famous poet, wrote that in the l7th Century. Today,ý three centuries later of (so-called?) civilization, nearly every major world power is at war. Peoples 'ev- erywhere are asking: Which Way to Lasting Peace? Those E-X-A-C-T words form the' tte of a broadcast series to begin $,aturday,.January 27, andoutletedi to the Chicago area through. WIND <5ý60) at,5:30 p.m. Whïch Way to, Lasting. Peace? is to be a coast-to-coast prôgram. Co-ý operating in its, presentation, will be tifty, members, ;of the,: nationaliy formed Commission to Study the Or- -sanization of Peace, of wihich Dr. James T. S hotwell1, prof essor of Rliis- tory of International Relations, Col-! umbia, -ischairman. Programnguests are to include eminent authorities in various fields of international rela- tions.. A non-partisan, truly Ameri- can viewpoint wiil keynote the se- ries. To supplement Which Way to Last- ing Peace? a current and deserved- rercommended program, BULL SESSION (Saturdays, WBBM (770) at 3 p.m.) is to devote its usual un- rehearsed, round-table discussion, by, university students to the considera- tion of the same question. SThat the ideas of Ameican youth. 80 obtained may be representative of undergraduate opinion, the first, survey in order to find out the citi- zens who have films, pictures, hobby: collections, costumes, or other ma- teniais that might be of educational value, or tlhose who would otherwl*e ,be -willing and able to share their' talents or abilities. A questionnajire has been.*prepared by 'a committee of teachers and has been sent out to, the homes of the school children... Citizens who, are n ot approached by these school',chil- dren and who wish- to, share in this1 cooperative project, were askedto eall Mrs. Mildred Roberts, educa- tional supervisor, office in Logan sehool, Central and Prairie avenues. 1Technology, and the, University of SouithernCaioia 1,It Is to be hoped*that'those in un- adm itted, control of the destiny of the man on the street will heedfuily listen to these two examples of broasde opinionj. The alert ciyic- minded of the citizenry wiît be reg- ularity dialers. Those of the it's-all- a- mess, what,. can - you -, do- about -. it I1k may be counted upon to show their usual congenital indif- ference. And PARENTS? Why, with the futures. of fine young boys and girls as part of their dreams and plans ... but of course, they'il be listening-in! [Sea Seutsj By Tomn Gatles FORMAL INSPECTIONý Monday's meeting was the big, event of the formal inspection of the personnel. of thé Sea Scout Ship .&"Quilmnette." The officers who "Put us thriough out pac es",,were headed by Commodore W. C. Huggins,. who was.flanked by Jack Banks, assist- ant Sea Scout. executive, John W. Davis. a member of the Sea Scout rating cornmitteeý and Don. Teisberg, f ield Scout executive. The obj ect of this event was to witness our a ctivities in our regular ship meetings, with the intention of co mpar ing us with neighboring ships. As a resuit of our showing 4ere, an Our acùviities dàuring the preceding. year, we will receive a rating which will determiné whether or not we retain our position as North Shore area flagship. ,The inspection consisted of our go- ing through a sample meeting, in-, The inspection , wilI require al ships to be "on their toes," for com- petition will be keen ti an effort to make a good impression toward be- coming flagship of the area. Guests A guest meèting wilUbe held Mon-' day evening, January, 29, at .1150 ýWilmrette avenue. This isto acquaintý possible recruits with the members and.quarters of the ship.. Ail members were requested to bring -friends'interested in this phas .e of Scouting., and others not person- ally invited aàre'herein uelc 'omed to attenid. The program will. include either motion pictures or tests of nautical skill.which anyone can com- prehend. Contest Skipper Fred. Mass- is successfully directinig the issuing of " ýmake-be- lieve" money as an indication of. successfully fulfiiling the reqluire- ments of the contest now in progress. This money' is issued for scheduled a4t.adance, - correct: uriform, ad- vancement, dues paid on schedule, work done toward improving the ship's equipment, and aecomplish- ment of assigned services. The re- sults will be .prizes worthy of the effort put forth_ toward obtaining them. bain, N. Y. university, Prnceton, Yale, Harvard,. Radcliffe, Massa- * chusetts Institute of Technology, Wellesley, Brown, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Le-i land-Stanford, University- of Califor-ý nia .<L. -A.), California Institute of- rs through Fridays-5 :30 p.m. HIGH GRADES- ,ADE 0F AMERICÀ (Walter ys-WENR-WLS (870) 8 p.m. MR. WEeKS (The Human Side rature) (810) Tuesdays.8:30 p.m.- Chrt*sian Science Combines Leicture With Churches Tour at Field Museum ln usel eeternale ay, February 'et will be: in Nature~s fea, Pasceî flouses ofj Tran quil Bermuda t ~- specime sttuddedi 'Mi