Thte sermon by the minister at the inorning worshipservice Sunday wil be an the theme, '.The Fountain of Life." WVe cordiafly- invite you to worship, u i th us. The service* wil be at i«1 o'clock. Miss rma Rounds,. organist-director, lias preparedi the following mijsical'pro- -rain for the morning worship service: prelude. "Romanza."'.Wostenholme; pro- cessional, -Who Is on the Lords Side?"; anithern, "Even> Me," Warren;> solo. - Cone- Ye Blessed,".Scott, Edwart Otis, postlude. "March- '(Athalie), Mendels- -Our Sunday school wili meet in al cepartments at.9:30 o'clock Sunday. C The Aduit Bible class will. meet fore study in the chapel at .10 'clock. We in- vite you to .study with us, "A Prayer Foi- Understandlng." Dr. Joseph A. Cooper,' will be the >guest- preacher in the Wil- mette Baptist Church, Sunda' morning, Jaüuari 28. Dr. Cooper served. with distinction in the World war, receiving the -Croix ,de Guerre from France . Alter sev- oral yeàrs in 'the ministry* he be-. came President of' Sioux Falls col- lege, South Dakota. At present he A dealer of 'MY acuitance =a 12 itl oun- commion thing for a womian to look over his