FORT'LAUDERDALE SF L-0R iDA 14 Expects to. Sail Next M-onth -for Australia MisKarm ]ludeberg of. Perth, Australia, who has. been visiting ber brother and, sistçr-in-iaw, Mr.: and Mrs. W. P. Rudeberg, -1428 .Ferest .avenue, since last July, expects .to leave next month to sail for home., During the .holidays Mr. and Mrs. Rudeberg also had as their guests. his brother, Harold Rudeberg, and family frpom Brazil. A representa-_ tive, of the, Firestone .company i' Braîil, he came to take care o! some ,business in Akron,antohv an opportunity to, see his sister here IWalter A. Knoo,'. Jr,~ On Campus Reévue Board Walter A. Knoop, Jr., of Kenil- worth, junior at Rensselaer Poly- technic 'Institute, Troy, N. Y.., wil serve during the coming year as a member of the board in charge of the Campus Revue, radio program of music, drama, interviews and sports, which is presented by stu- dents each Monday evening over Rensselaer's station WHAZ. Mr. Kaufmann & Fabry Photo, ,Cassius E. Hostetler, .91 High strýeet,. Winnetka, vice-presidet of Walton School of Commerce, Chica go, redently spoce, bel ore> the convention of the National' Commercial Teache rs'. associa- tion in Pittsburgh on the sub- ject: *"Training iProblems of Personal, and Socia~l 44j*uztm -a Responsibility, of the Private Business School." '.For more than ffty years edu- cators concerned wlth business train- ing have regarded the development of greater speeds and proficiency in our .skill subjects as ail-important," Mr. Hostetier told his audience. We have macle considerable vprogress in There will be no. formai com- mencement exercises for th es e young women, as it is customnary at the National. College of Education for mid-year graduates to receive their'degrees at. the commence ment exercises in June. However, there, Will. be a college assembIy in their honor on, Tuesday afternoon, January 30. Following the assembly, the:. graduates will be -guest-s-t a tea in the, Alumnae club room. The mid-term of the college will. open Monday,- February 5, registra-. tion being held from January.25 to' February 2. Among the new stu- dents registering',for college wor k at that time will be two from Japan and one from Bulgaria. Miss Ichiko Ffulita and Mrs. Min- ako Ichikuro, teachers in the Aoha kfndrfgàrte t SendIai, .apan, are comning. to the National College of Education for additional training, and Miss Emilia Ratcheva wilI en- ter from Sofia, Bulgaria. CJaliforntia School. Leader Visits Here AR.Cli of Monrovia, Calif., visiting his son, 0. va vi me ia4AvAiaai: ULdL LU personality. "With ail of the pressures which have been utilized to increase skiils and prod uction, we have neglected to train the person to withstarid physically and emotionally these ad- ditional pressures. A better under- standing of physical and emotional limitations. is necessary to reduce le-eirigoi m Arnrican Loucation association held i Chicago last. week, and wiII temain another week with Mr and Mrs Cliftonbefore re- turning home. February 1, a fewr days after his departure, Mrs Clifton and her par-ý ents, Mr and Mrs. John Victor, 1046 MVichigan avenue, are leaving to spend two and a haif months at their winter home at the Huntington' hotel in Pasadena. Several weeks later, Mr. Clifton wilI join his wife and &Iw tope I hl school ege. to be i