February 2 - 9 to 12 a.m. - St. joseph school dental linie. Dr. Chin- riock; Miss Hansen, R. N. Mrs. Theodore B. Sachs, execu- tive director, The Tuberculosis In- stitute of Chicago .and Cook county, visited the" EHalth Center on Thurs- day of last week. Miss Marie C. Buckley, R.N. di- rector of nurses, The Tuberculosis. Insitute of Chicago and Cook couflty, visited the Health Center, on Friday of last weekc. The' Health Center, takes great pleasure, and pride in anhnouncing that Mrs. E. J. Hoffmnan,. 1635 Lake avenue, this yearcelebrates her 2th anniversary of service as a memr- ber of the ,Wilmette Health Center board. Mrs. Hoffman is one of the original, memnbers of the board and the only one stili active on the pres- cnt board. Our congratulations to Mrs. Hoffman and best wishes for YOUR -CONTRIBUTION When we' speak of your personal contribution we do flot refer to a gift of money. It is relatively easy to buy a few Christmas Seais at holiday time. The greatest personal contribution you can make is to keep yourself free of tuberculosis. Then your friends will neyer have to help. you get well and you mwill be able to help others keep well. The crusade against tuberculosis has been organized 35 years. No oratory is needed to stir uis. Quietly in the mail every year, to hundreds of families in Wilmette, go letters containing a hundred or more seals.ý If we want to buy some of themi or ail of them we send the money to the Wilmette Health Center, and, if we cannot buy, we ma y send the seals back. It is just as simple as that, and the money that comes in carnies on the work against tuber- culosis. The amount of money received to date is less than at this time last redan ellOv daewueredat aintu, MV POSE the summer finery is packed For as you cari see for yourself, the pleasure this Buick brings you isn't subjeet in any way to the weather- man' s wbims. The elements can fairly bowl - nd they won't for an instant daunt the spirit of this Winds mnay whistle and skies se cure in the knowledge of bite and brakes that grip. Meiantime-look at the jump you're getting on the tradition-bound wait- iIsping buyers. Weeks will, pass ~ before they put their orders in-weeks in which you'li of the makers Edith, 7 tral schoc