IN ALL LINES' FIELD. BUILDING 13 5 -SOUTH LA SALLE SITREET Phone CENtral 4477. g -- td DAY OR NIGHT-Telephone WUNNETKA 4000 - - sales. - - urners 011 Surning. Water, Heaters I ________________________________ Il s REPUBLIC 1* I 111 West Washington Street. Chicagjo James L. Kelly purchased fromn the Continental Ilinois National Bank & Trust cornpany the north- east corner of Forest avenue and jBurnham place. 70 x 115. in' Evans- ton. He has begun the construction of a home on, the site.. W. A. Sadier. was 'the broker. Mrs... Daisy New and J. V.Ne bought from Mrs. Laura C. Eason the 7-roomn trame house at. 1826 Grant street. Evanston.. W. . Sad- 1er represented both parties.. Antoinette Molitor Nained Office:Manager Mrs. Gretta P. Fuller for Fuller & Pickard,' mce., announces that the .office management in Winnetka is now in charge of- Miss 'Antoinette Molitor, formeirly secretary in thej office of Fuller & P ickard in Evans- - ton. Mrs. Willard Adcock and Mrs.j E. J. Kastrup have joined théè or-1 1 ganizatior , in the rental and ,sales departments of the Winnetka office. Mrs. Kastrup was formerly asso- ciated with Milton E. Reid and corn- pany, ENJOY STEADY GROWTH There are 680 financial institutions approved by the Federal Housing Administration to make loans for home building and buying under the FHA Insured Mortgage System in the territoýy served by the Chicago state director, fias arinounced. This isan increase of 63 institution- banks, trust companies, savings and Joan associations and others- since *the beginning of this year. lumber dealers, -such a simple thing as adding a third bedroomn will increase the average home's value about 15 ýer cent. Adding an e xt ra..bath- room ma' in crease the prop-, erty's rental or, LowryPhoto resale value -by lPhil Hoffmnn as much as 14 per cent. "Ten .thousa'nd architects. ,real- tors. home financing agencies. con- tractors, and dealers throughout the country were asked questions, Io firid Out %wýhether modernization is a good investment. Their opinions, showýý us thathome mnodernization can pay its way-by making possible easier re- financing. by. lowerin g upkeep ex- pneand. ýwhich is probably mnost important. by actualIy increasing thc rentai or resale value of the property itself. Refers to Bookiet, Mr. Hoffmann referred t o an 84- page book, "How to Modernize and ,Make It Pay," recently publishedby th 'e United States Gypsuni company. that gives a coniplete surnaàr-v of the survey and then goes on to show what it means to American home zwvners. "Since receiving thisý book. said 1r. Hoffmann. our concern has adopted it as a text-book on modern- zati on. We naturally are trying to do everything within our power to iviiconfusion. loss of tume and. trouible for home owners. We feel1 that the book does just that. Answers Ail Questions' A "How to. Modernize and Make It Pay" has answered aIl of. the ques- tions that 1 have ever heard anyOne ask about modernization work-arxd ithas -answered them iclearly. n*a understandable way , p.cic an, usable suggestions. We intend to invite every home owner who cômes into .otnr office te look over the book and to read al of its. 84 pages" Telephone Central 4804 III 41