crease in rI Vi1La1t1Ga i uiaLing ULIi- ing 1940 are good. As 1939 witnessed1 a decided im- proverrient ovle r 1938, so should 1940 show a sub- stantial increase1 over 1939. The demiand for, homes on the North Shore in the under $10.*000 ell ex- emplîfied duriný_, the past year., De- velopments in this price housing had C. E. Clifton littie difficulty in disposing (of the houses buit. where, fairly prlced and, well constructed. As always, the struggle, to keep costs down and at the s ame time satisfy the buyer is. the princ ipal problem in this field. Builders wvho can do this will find a. ready market for their bouses and i w.holehearted cooperation frorn the financing agenci es. including the Fîrst Federal Savings and Loan As-' sociation oL-Wimtte. The First Federal of Wilmette has closed the past year with the larg- est volume of mortgage lending, in its six years» of existence. Total loans made to homne owners were in- excess of $300,000. These boans were made to sixty-five families on the ,North Shore. For 1940 it is in posi- tion to increase this volume to $500. - 000 or more. fortably cools thie entire homne witnl cool evening air, which in turn cari be held over during the following day keeping the house in the "cool of the evening." How ,Fan Operates: The Coolvent Propeller Fan as manufactured by' the Autovent Fan: and Blower compa ny of Chicago -can be installe di the attic over the hallway. The air circulates through.' the lower rooos, and then is drawn up through a ceiling grill, in the, hallway, into a. suction box which in turni forces the air out. through attic openings.. The entire. system opera tes at a very: low cost similar te, that of, a household kitchen refrigerator. Time Switches can be installed so the sys- tem will aûtomatically t urri off' afler the. desired number of hMurs oper- ation. Thermostat. control can also be installed so the system will oper- ate whenever temperature reaches a given point. The Coolvent System is, also ideal for winter ventilation as well. The brightest appeal of Coolvent's new kitchen ventilator is its freedom of installation and ease of operation. It is now possible to place the yen- tilator directly over the range if de- sîred because thère are no unsiglitly rods. pull cords or chains to coritend with. REAL ESTATE-4 IL and. CONSTRUCTION 140 GREEN BAY ROAD, WINNETKA WINNETKA.3250 -. or - Coolvent Fanl Approved for- Ventlilation The simplicity and eczonorny of the i new system of, Atticventilatonfo sumer cooling i È of interést. to both home owner7s and-builders alike. The basis of its appeal is the fact that; ift utilizes nature's own facilities. The principle of operation - hot, stagnant heat in the attic space ac- MORTOAGES WANTED BROERSPROTECTED. REFINANCING LOANS, Wilmüette1I ELECTRO PAEsI 617 Green Bay Rd. Wil. 187 Davis 2233 LOAN CORRESPONDENT STATE BANK< BUILDING - EVANSTON ROGER$ PARK 73Q2 -'I Fi-olycourt 4220 1! 7