1310 1228 1204 9552 Forest Glen Drive N. Winnetka, 9 rms., 31/2 baths... $29if00 Lake Street, Evanston,, 8 rms., 3 baths .............. $27.500 Grant Street, Evanston, 7 rms., 21/2 baths........... $1 7afO N. Lawndale Ave., Niles Center-,6 rms., 1l/'baths... 1~0 9450 N. RidgewayAve., Niles Center, Illinois Seven Rooms, Two Baths and Lavatory PRICE-$1 7-850, 900 Forest. Glen Prive West,, Wirnnetka Se eii Roomis t(Four Bedroonis) , Two Baths and Lavatory PRICE-$21,500 r , 100 Robsart'Road, Keîiilworth, Illinois Nmîe Rooiiis, Re.ept ioni Hall. Four Baths and Lavatéry PRICE-$32,O0 - .4* i ~ 1248 Ash Street , netka Seven Rooms (Four Bedroorns), Two Baths, Powder Room PRICE-$1 7,500 *'. 2CL& * ( L1tEutL«l»U<40e <uj CflAMBÉH 0F COMMERCE BUILDING 518-526 Davis St., Evanston, University 6060 "Résidence Speciîlists of the North Shore"