I Sevenqom Early erfcan, home. et Foreat avenue, mette, wasdeà ne( J4mes Gatheircoa. Arn- 1049 WUl- dby. Arnoldi J. Weil ta thre oumer of thi, six-room, air-ccmdtioned colonial dweing at 3507 Forest avenue, Wilmette. It was built from Mr. Weil's plans by the Ar- nold Cons truction com- pany. *W. E. Lindblad tas the otvner of this 8ix-room firame and brick veneer ,residence at 632 Way- land avenue, Kenil- worth. W. D. Mann was the architeet anid the Zancler Cônstruction c.mpanY the.builder., Illustratei' above is the new home at 911 Eigt tet imt desgne ~ erert Banse, architect. et 605 N. Michigan avenue, Chi- ca go, as his own residence. The. home contains seven rooms and 'three baths, and is of brick veneer co)nstrucetioi, tith Litdovici tileroof. It.is winte r air conditoned and gas heated. Airmode Ne.west Neiv' Southwest Ini Room Coolers Winnedsa Home The attention of homne owners and e Po ua building contractors has recently ..Le P pua been focused on a new line of yen- What is probably the last large tilating equipment and self-contained1j estate in the popular Southwest sec-, roomn coolers which are' appearing lion ofD'Winnetka, forth of and -. near under the name "Aîrmode.' This the Indian Hill'club, is now being line is produced by the National divided into homesites. Standard Air-Products company, 325 This property, for years known as, Wes't Huron street, Chicago. part of the original Higgmnson estate. For complete summer air condi- is one of the attractively wooded tioning of spaces up to 5,000 cubic and secluded locations so desirable feet there is avallable an efficient, for the. better type of home. Fa cing roorn cooler with a capatity of 3/4 on Blreh street and' extending soiith ton. This unit is finlshed in walnut froQm Sunset road;. attractive large gra ined steel cçabinet and 'la ùbarfict- honmesites of. one-half 'acre 'or ,more, erized by extreme portability. are now available with proper but Mounted on silent mhoving casters, reasonable restrictions to preser\,e it can qulckly be moved' fromn place the high character of the surround- to place and be. made ready for op- ing neighborhood. These homesites, eration in a few moments. Several shaded by towering elms, present new' features' of design are incor- unusual' opportunities for the most porated. discriminaing. Ini order to furnish ventilation for E. Sawyer Smith and associates,. home and office, Airmode features a with offices at 725 Elm street, Win~- Uine of eleetric window ventilators netka, are exclusive selling agents for 'filtered air supply. The large for these-properties, and report that mode].is rated at 5WO cfm, while' the recent inquiries would indicate that lower priçed article supplies 300 cfm. aIl available sites in this entire tract For e'xpelling roomn air there is an wi probably be sold within a short exhaust vEnfilato itu, p ri* -f-fi . The Chiuneys Bi Telephone Wilmei *Photo shows house under construction. A, Winnetka - iuilding cite 4214 i