DiY FRANKEN .BROS. MARSHALL POTTINGER, Pros. DEERFIELD 241 TOIINKOUFIr .A 9-room homne with 2 baths. Buit by an architeet for his, own home. 60-foot wooded Ict near theý lake and "6L."9 Owner is moving to Cali- fornia and cuts the price to $IOOO.Sei tdayF. R. M. JOHNSTON & Co. 340 Lidn Ave. WiI,.**. 444 Louis P. Shuster'a home at 731 Juniper street, Glenview, Ib«s buit.tram hîs oton' pla:ns by the Zander Construc- tion Company,. It la of brick veneer and has -six rooma. (:h. Six-room, air-condition-. ed colonial home at 2218 Greenwood' avenue, Wil- mette.. Owner: John- P. Kottcamp, Jr.; architect: grnst Benkert; generat contractor: Walter Norris copn.(Le! t.> Mr. and Mrs. William R'. Purcell are the ou>n- ers of this eigqht-room air-cond:tioned Georgian colonial dwtiung at- 110, Glenwood avenue, Glen- coe. Warner M. Pearson tuas the architeet. <Rzight.) John C. Caperton's elght-room, airco1*ition- ed English residence at 901 Green Bay roàd. Hub- bard Woods. C. A. Hemp- hili anad Associates wer~e the designers and build- ers. (Le It.> Richard Oelerich la the owner of this seven- room air-conditinegd and~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. ,Marner owný this six-room EamlyLAxzerican residence at 2206 Beechwood ave- nue, Wilmette. Edward Loewenstein tuas the ar- chitect. (Leit.) asir- S9u8 UrOOds IMf. Assn.I tiler.