a fai r ofl sjLueiiet i mnimizead Y H-e ciougnt on tus own limited exý- 1having-theê value fixed by a compe- perience, 'the advice of a frieijd or tent, dsneetdatoiy the representation of a salesman. Myilerseau~rt likely to. consider- an appraisal, indfo the samie light as a, guarantee polic in prperty settiements, such as The guarantee policy Insures, that he iiin fetts*n lays in is getting a clear titie.' The appraimae !trds sal -insures that he -is getting full An appraisal is'needed b.y thé valu. Byinga hme s iprt person, whowants to buy 'for, lnvest- Iment, to. déterminé whether or flot and should be, surrounded by every h a esoaî xet .fi e safgurd trn on his. money; or to satisfy% the On mn aî rçetY, I I were ýdemè(ands of the courts in probate sure thatIwa going to buy that rceedings; or to, secure.. a mort- home I should get an appraisal." [gage blan from a private or govern- Hle was working wrong end to. If mntlagey;otodernete he. were. determ ied to* buyUthe proper amount of insurance to car- home an appraisal would'- be useles.r;ad alsoimotntisede It is to learn whether or not lie is to reCOncile the ideas of value be- justified *in buying that home that tween buyer and seller. Se. Us for BUýILDI'NG MATERIALSý Comploeeivway Service'. DRIVEWAYS THAt LASI mAiL TYPES Asphait, Tàrvia, BIack, Top, Stone mnd Gravel e bLandscape Supplies LAWRENCE W. HAYES 'Wunnetka Teaming & Suply Co.. G'ree. Day Rood -af TwrRoWme* T,' Su AUTO VENT FAN & IBLQWER CO., 1805 N. Kosmer AMe. ALBANY 3514 hcgI. I L