of Our cornmodity ,.-,-a sober analysis of the situation in- dicates t tw need have no ap- .'m ~" prehiension as to %vhat may corne if we have the right attitude. and the correct outlook. Itî will be a year calling, for sincer- George. He-i ity of purpose«. and the rewards wil be substantial to those' whôse busi. ness activities bear the marks oi integrity. clear thinking.ý and an exý pert knowledge of their field-. Sees Forward 'Movement A. new chapter is bemng written, and those of u15 who are genuinely qualified to be in the real estate field need not hesitate to predict a con- stant and forward movernent in businerss ~and profits. At last .&e are face to face with a real estate market -that calls for actual knowledge of properties and the best uses to which they canbe put on the basis of a calm estimate of the present and future. To make money ini real estate, it must be on the sound principles of supply and demiand. This is sureIy a healthy situation, inasmuch as ail of us en- gaged in this profession or who really belong in the field of reai estate can profltably a.pply their rea- son andi their knowledge of real e state with cool calculation.. Sound Property-Fair Price *The nvestor and the home-seeker! will 1 fnd the market replete wvithi sounçi, attractive properties, yield- mng a good return that can be bought at a fair price, and he will buy them; because in a stable mnarket. there need be no fear, generally, that a property is greatly inflated. which is common observation in, "'boom days." The operator will be in a position i f or; willshare in à large -degreel the great home market that is. rapid- ly developing. To that group of far-seeing.,and family-loving men. and womnen, whose. desire 'for better home, sur- roundings leads thein to our North [Shore and wvithout whose loyal co-p: eration the sùccess of our business could-flot haG'e been possible. these words -are dedicated. Photos of Old-Time JJWinnetka'Scenes Makle -7 Up Interesting DUisly McGuire & Orr mnc., have opened a new office in Winnetka at 576 Lin-. coln avenue. Ralph M. Jaeger, for the past 17 years engaged in North Shore brokerage, is Manager fori *Winnétka and Glencoe. In addition, the . sales force -for thee two ô cfres consists of Miss Irene Floyd, Mrs. 1 John Watson Wilder, Mrs. çReed Lan- dis and Mrs. N. S. David IL. *An interesting feature of the Win- netka office is a dispiay of a numberî *of enlarged photographs of old-time Winnetka scenes, Some dating back well over haif a century. Onie of the pictures is of the log cabin that stood, until 1902, on the li.ke fr-ont just South of the present site of the North Shore lHea1th Re- sot In this càbin were rnarried in the year 1830, Elizabeth Quilm-ette, daughter of a Potawatomi Chief and one of Chicago's first Irishmen, Ali- chael Welch, from County Cork. An-, c-ther of the pictures is Winnetka's Mlain street, some 35 years ago.. The frame business buildings, a sturdy horse and wagon, an ancient model of an automobile, ail present a mark- ec, contrast to the present day, weil paved Elnj street, solidiy, built up with brick buildings and lined with modern automobiles. And there are other pictures de- picting various Winnetka scenes, one of theni nrior ta ivlwa dv *JSTRIBUTED IY INSULATION ENGINEERING SERVICE CO. 2715 Irvinmg Park R@od .Ifldepndnc. 3300 Oldek at uleaoas Applicator. in State .1 llisou^ *Photo shows ho=ýs nder, conatnscU o., *Hugh lH. Bradshaw is the ourner. of this moct ern ýcolonial homne,, air- coudit:oned and nsui- ated ,rnth, flue rooms andl attached garage at 1765 Highiand avenue, Wilmette. Raymond -F. Houlihan was the archi- tect and the Allied Buîlders the general. ccmtractors. Leo P. Nicholson is the owner of this seven- room resideuce at 500 L-inden avenue, Wii- mette. Stanley P. Pet- erson tuas the architect and W. W. Salmen and Company, lue.,' the geni- eral contractors. This seven-room st Qu.e veneer and frarnë re$!- dence at 2201 Green-, wood avenue, Wilmnette, tuas büUt byo. -E. Stro- bel from the plans 0f George L. Tueker.