ainance are fés- tered by greedy real' estate inter- ests who seek te foist an. apartment menace upon an, unisuspecting POP- 1 ulace. Aside from the' f ct apartment c o n- struction on th e moffett Photo près ent rent level W. A. Sadier would, be sheer benevolence on the part 'of its pirQmotors (ask the man who's tried, it)1 the picture of cor- pulent, 'diamond-studded brokers carnies us back to the old days when iwas popular to pick on Wall Street. Most of the, maie brokers. of- our acquaintance wear large patches on their pants. while the ladies, of course, have their knitting to keepl em busy. Now that Judge Landis delivered his ultimatum to basebaiF's moguls: _"You've made rules-stick to them or get out!" our thoughts turn bavk to the recent Real Estate board meeting and veteran Realtor Fred Clarke earnestly laying down the gospel of good fellowship .and fair practices to the assembled brokers. There was a noticeable amount of squirming when Fred drove home UUwII. . . riaing a bicycleUUwB ý'Dead Man's Hi," now just an easy inicline known as Hubbard's Hili.. camping in the "wilds" of Skokie marshes just west of, Glencoe and trekking in to Park avenue every few days for groceries when the opening night of the Hoyburn theatre was a ýgala social occasion e cv ering" the old Avenue House for disinuisedguetswhile a, cub' re- Porter and m'any, many other things. Now that' ntellectuâlism is being emphasized. on the Mîdwayý. it mnight be well to consider enlarging Dyche stadium to handle the footbâll-mad crowds who threaten to corne to Evanston next faîl. At some of the, more cru cial games ait Stagg field the -attenidance is reported, to hbave run (at times) into the hundreds. Home OWnier Catalogs Are Now Available The building business schedule for. 1940 maintains the more. active in- terest in one- and two-family houses. Home Owners' Catalogs predicts' that $983,O000 will be spent this year for materials, equxprnent an d up realtor prestige. y was vid the Another. indication that, despite, bertnq ty differences, the North Shore bu communities. have much in common is the projected thought of including Evnston in the New Trier Sunday Evening club. The hopes and future of the North Shore depend largely on widening the base for greater harmouunv adii-rQnriny UI, s. fure of $905,WO000. It is signifi. cant that new homes to be built-to- order for the occupancy .of the own- ers will be more numerous next year. Readers of this news-magazine who are ýplanning to build homes for their own occupancy during 1940 can secure personal copies of Home Owners' Catalogs without charge or any other obligation. The one- The C. * Photo alaowa house WNNUTKA 1171 under constructi on. *Guy, C. Kiddoo's house at 1300 West- moor- trail, Win- ,ietka,. has eight roomts. ad ls of brick veneer and frame. It was de- sig#ed bi, Karlin and J'ones.ý ana 'fr avie at 1111 Thir- tstreet, WiI- ,built by J. H,. ng from the of Dewey and i>ch.;