Dr. Martin 'Hayes Bickham, nation ally knotvn sociologist, who livýes at '429 Ninth street, Wil- mette. and, acts as consultant for the American Commnittee. for Christiarn Refugees, will eave Friday,- Jan, 26, to deliver a series of lectures at five univer- sity Christian missions conduct- etd -bVthe F.deral Gaticiof, Churches. General to Make Award Major, General Merritte W. Ire- land Will make the award. The med- ail is give n in honor of Dr. Stnow, who is chairman of .the executive committee of'the American Social Hygiene association. Dr. Parran re- ceived the medal last year. Thursday will - also mark the- national observance of National So- cial Hygiene day, in which mlore than 5,000 communities join annual- .1h FRED A., ELLIS & INc. Hea+#ng em.Arondt4oemnq - nghmms - CoM~rators 40 Years of1 Coniuous Service on the Nort h Shore 1 - .