GAS WATEB IJEA TER1 widh TOP -QUALITY FEATURES resistant to the1 corrosive action of the 'doinestic biot water slapply. Guaranteed against rust and, corrosion for 20 years. SNAP-ACTION THERMOSTAT:- Sfaps g*s on to fuil efficiency when hot water is needed, turns ik off completely when heating ie through. No wasteful goldway positions. AUl metal construction. MONEL* Tank A 1long life of perfect hot water, service, ieo workl, free of worryfree of mast, i8 the reward of home owners and builders' who specify the RUJUD Automatic Gas Water Heater with MONEL' tank. RUUD AutoMatic controls maintain a constant suppiy of even-tempered water, heated quickly with dlean, low-cost gas. The bountiful supply la stored ln mirror-smooth, ailver-hright MONELý, t.he Raturai alIoy that will neyer rust or corrode. New MONEL-fitted RUUDS, finished ln glistening white porcelite corne ini four sizes, to fit al aehomes., Phone. for full*information. *Guaranteed for 20 yeara. rock RUUD-HUMPHItEY SALES COMPANY 1223 South Wabash ÀAve. CHICAGO Pe.: Calumet 338.U38 ;fà PULL INSULATION.: Heat holding, wool, hand packed to thickness of 1% i