Mrs. Paul Gross, Jr., is 'chairman, Mrs. C. L. Bankér, vice-chairman of the North End circle. Mrs. Rodney Perrilli la chairnian, Mrs. Fraiok R. Adams, vice-chairman, of the -Cozy_ Corner circle. iThey may be con- tacted:by those wishing formation, or.having contributeé. ,& u, x a un.a naion~ral of ofZeta Phi Eta and is at pre! active in thé sorority work. B guerite Stokes and Virginia Torc both rnbèrs of the sororlty mnembers of the..Guild theatre. CiceMeeting 6 arej insof t makes pastels 1+ie smartest of' The North End circle of the Con- gregationai church, is having its Hosfess Tola nx mein oday, January 29, 'Mrs. Ho at the home -of Mrs. C. L. Banker, Mr.Hward Mullins, 624 Abbots- 810 Lake.avenue. Assisting hostesses ford road, Kenilworth, is entertain. wil be Miss Florence Butz and Mrs iing- eight: guests at 'luncheon and William H. Toppan. M rs. Pa ul. sewig a he hoe 1Thursday alter. Gross, Jr., is chairman of the circe noon~~~~ othsee.Lneon.will be served at 12:30. OPEN THURsDAY *and .boToUR fr E EIN unfil 9 08CLOCKJ Fi I $10.75 MAR9UISE SIH j EOPARý A. STEVENSm lae. both corne rose, aqua, "h smarty fIared hîgh Jopels - and Fhey in delicious shades of powcier blue, dusty beige, erd gray,.- sizes from 12 to 18, Evoçs*, II EGAR A.. STVENlS Imc. I Ev~oeI 'I