ur-ety, exacu>' as prement iI its tauied Atlanta Premier, TWICE DAILY - ALL SEATS RESERYED Matlnees at 9:00 P.M. Weekiays 75c, Sunday $1.10 Nlghts at 8:00 P.rM>. Au Soits$1.AO BEAI!S NOW BELLING nox OMce Opea 9 &»M. to 9 p.rn. mAItu 00R oGIVEN PROMAPT iATTENTION CENSEETHRATRE, WAUIKIEGAN. ".Gene WIth the Wini"l will net be ehown anywhere exceji t advMuem d ples.- at Ieait unti l 19 E vanston will be seen on January 25, 26, 27 and 28, aiso Februaij, 1, 2, 3, 4, and again o n Februarj 8, 9, 10, and 11. Reading from left to right: Don Brockeli of Wimtetka as Dan, the hero; Gordon Buck of Wi/l- mette as Inspector Belalze of Scotksnd Yards; Aithea Murphy of Win- netka as Olivici Grayne, the feminine iead;, and Hope Summers of Evanston as Mrs. Branson, Oliia's elderly Aunt. Director Ready for "Dco Takes Wif< Sends Starlet First Edi t ion of "PeDne 2033 WEST HOWARD STREET (Just East of Ridge) SERVING LUNCHEONS-DINNERS-AFTER. THEATE R SNACKS Special Appointments for Bridge and Atternoon Teas HOLLYCOURT 1351 As yet umcast.,'"The Doctor Takes A Wife" is an original ro- mantlc comedy by Aleen Wetsteii.. It is being adapted for the screen by George Seaton and Ken Englund and is slated to. go before the camera s late in January. Hall's last pictur,e was 'The Amnazing Mr. Williams, Melvyn Douglas-Joan lIondell co-1 starring vehicle. wees-aÂlrst edtion Of OnÎ3 Of Mar- garet Sidney'S beloved 1 «Fýve Little Peppers" novels, published in the 80's. It carne rom a woman ad- mirer in Boston, Edith's homne town. A collector of first edition chil- -dren's books, the starlet particular.*- ly prizes this new addition because she is playing Polly Pepper in "Five Little Pe ppers At Home," ,comedy drama .b a s e d on the juveniIe classics. SOU WYATT of the HAMMOND OIIGAN' S&okle Slvd. (Route 41) of Harrison Tel. Nifes Cent... 2870 FOItR SERtVATIONS AND SPIECIAL PARTIES N