Jlollywood's oddest fan mail is ad- dressed to Penny Singleton. a-Chicago Feb. 3 To her corne requests for infor- mation on babies; the secret of To sports loyers in the Chicago ber coiffure; the best. method o! £ communities each year cornes the applying'mustard plasters; the way, same Perennial. urge to plan for the tkeep'a husband in line; questions out-of-door season. About that time. concerning reie n elatives;, re-antehrd perennil-the Nat*on quests for beaùtû rt s n os-ai Boat, and Sport: showappears, on hold' tips. te scene. This year the fa mous ex- As the happy wife and m ,other 1*. position,, play ing Its eleventh straight the "Blondie" series, she is a fem- annuai run, will be better, bigger inine Petronius of Hollywood,-t' adeale than eb fe Thne film. capital's arbiter; for .w ves. dates are february 3 to 11, indlu- E've ry picture evokes a new barrage sive, as announiced by Hubbard H. of fan mhail-and the actress loves Erickson, manager, a nd, include tw o it! Saudy n wo Sundays, g!vingý "Most of the letters are sensible, everyone an opportunity to get to N" avy Pier several timesifdsr. MissSinietn eplaied,"an ai From the smali exposition of boats of them are- interesting. I've learned in 1928, the show bas expanded.until hm raout the eavtersagA mca today the entire length of the. ex- homefro thee lttes thn semshibition hall on the Pier is utilized, pôssible. What's more, they've help- adaot10eh1ioswl lna ed me in my ebarngcterizain." dabu12exitoswldsp M O'* W narb 1 :0iwp .u FR!DAY-- For 7 Big, DayS TEtU Tmr. 2 IGFAfIES TO MAICE 1940 eNTErTlAliNMENT HISTOT A New, Agivetbrous A New, HzdrngMAREN GARBO IDIIETRIC'H wihnlylDouglas i wtklas. (614r.Sil)Seat "NINOTC#iKIAe' Ds Rides Agoein" Aiso Mieckey Mouse a»CI Pluto lu ilsIIyS"SCET»O H Exr : a . a .: S rll M IST n G D ?Z H U n " 0 PhfteGre.487 BETTE DAiSiïe ERROL FLYNN "6THE PRIVATE ILIVES 0F ELIZABECTH ANU ESSIEX"I Plus Lereta Young Davi Niven 66UTVRUJ&18 V Last- viec t"s. Plus- - jd get, itn Amur aii, las uag- wood, portraying ber screen husband for the fifth time. Larry Simms is Baby Dumpling and Daisy is lJaisy. Frank'R. Strayer again directs with Robert Sparks producing. SALLY PA~YNE CAST Saliy Payne bas just been cast in~ her twelfth Pete Smith picture, 'Woman Proposes." I sa bLAUw iofaction, 100, witb amateur sports being particîpated in by hundreds of visitors and thou- sands more taking an eager interest in the demonstrations of skili. The great out-of-doors states of Minnesota (including the Arrowbead association), Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois, are arranging unusual Iexhibits at the Pier which will in- clude the showing of much wild life - from bears' and d rIpdrn ta WEDDINCitAN NI VESARY, Although it is still months away, Dolores Del Rio is seeing' that no plans or engagements wilIl interfere with her yearly pilgrimàge to the Santa Barbara Mission on the 6th of August. The actress, wbo plays the feminine lead in M-G-M's "Arouse and Beware," and ber bus- band, Cedrjc Gibbons, revisit the Mission on lfh nniersn tif4k-, Phons: or WSap.Uka SUOS tSc O~enlfoe t. O 1'JE. E. McMmIu..S.hordoy, Sanday end Holidays Mon. t. TI.ur..-Doers Open 4:Oê-25 te6:3» Friiay adSaturday Aeres .« la NO xamu lot" Startig FrldaY, January 261k for orne Fui Weeik '4Prlvate Lives of "Elizabet'h p Il.r.oIUy - - ~-a L mmme I A Il SEA PlusI Douglas Plus --Ii "Peac r .a