.R. M. JOI*NSTON & CO. Opposite «'L" Terminal Wihnette 444 I34LTNBB41te TO SIUBLÉT: ARTISTIC 6ROOM 190 i Whmetka. 3 bedrooms. Convenient loctin. val.Feb. là or- earlier. $75 liermonh. ailWinnetka 4315 or Win- netka3193.13«L38ltp 30WANTED TO RNT--HOUaES WE ARE A GENTILE FAMLY 0F three who, want to relit a 5 or . 0woom I. sbd ouse in 'the lloviard School etWimetestartlng iMay 1 lm4, C.eas m *oret leasi one year. Wîd take axe creofboume. Write e187,Bo60 Wilmette. -13OLTN36.tî VIE HAVE MkANjY DSRABLE TEN- a nts who, want to rent bouses in ail prie ranges. Lst Your b ouse today!, Fulle r & Pickard, Inc... Wil. 730) Gre. 7220 Uni. 7444, Win. 3W03 136LTN38-tc MODEEN BOUSE TO M" v 1 oR 1 % YEAR8 STARTING MAY 1l RteqIuire 4 master bedrnis.. 2 maids rs. 3 batbs' open porches. Preferably eat of tracks in, Gîeicoe. Phone Ken- wood 3232, 941 a.m. Or "O.8 oVe. house. Reut or may buY'. State com- plete details. Write B-204, box 60, Wil- mette, in. 136LTN38-tp ARE YOU INTERESTED IN IIENTING your bouse for three months this sum- mer? North Wilmette or Kenilwortb only. Superlor 7499. 136LTN38.ltp 140 FOR NT-TORE a OpricES 1 KENILWORTH SHOPS BUILDING C In ii . sec~. 7 rnis. 2 baths ...$18,.500 A PRIZE HOME WITH EVE1tYTHING You need. 6 rnis., 214 baths. -.$16,000 GLENCOZC A BEAUTIFUL HOME BOTR 11<510E and out, Spic and span froni top to, bottom. 7 rms., 3 baths. Owner will consider reasouable offer. ELM En E. STULTS, me." 4.60 Winnetka Ave.- Winnetka 1800 147LTN38-lte DECORATE TOI SUIT Your family will be delighted witb the comfort and convenienoe found ln this bouse. Ites an Englisb type bouse whicb bas 3 bedrooms; located among new homes in Kenilworth withiu easy -Walk= ing distance, to sta.tions, stores and achools, This.home 18 in the finalstage of construction and wili be available for occuPancy in a few, weeks. lb is an Op- portu*nity for you to step In and finish it to suit your own taste.. Price, $13,000. R. B. WWHITAKER- & 00. 140 Green Bay road, Winnetka Wlnnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN3II.ltc COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE COMBINEID WITH ALL TH clônvmnlUi dr -fi theêtyetO be found in these two homes in the Glenview district. One of 6 rooms, 1 of 7, botb have large lots, and are surrounde4l by other similar bomnes. Only $1000 to $1500 cash required.. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION.1 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre, 2700 Rog. Pk. 6636 Wil. 608 147LTN38lc PLACE YOUR GROWING FAMI. ly in the rnidst of the North 1eILAL3dUItp PRICE SLASIIED TO $10P500 THIE FAMUJY 'TIIAT',MS LQOKED and looked'l for a substantial, Weil- bit bouse hi a good location Jojr around. $10,000, should se* this bouse and, end the search.. Just. cut froyn $15,000 by owvner m oving away. OnIy three blocks to the lake, it lei an outstanding value. 6; bedrooms.; 2 baths, large living room with, fireplace, tule kitcheën, sunny dinlng Porcb, sleeping porch, Automatic heat. .Wooded lot. Get further details by calling QUINLAN& TYSON, mc., M8 Lincoln Avenue Win'. 177 14ILTN38-itc AN IDEAL HOME INIIG WlrTE COLONIAL W I T H ,stu!dy, large living room, povder room., breakfast room. Cbarming atrsie 3 oherfamly bedroome, 3 family baths. Sate malds rooms and bath. 2-car ttga.90-foot lot n restrlcted loça- tion. Original offering9 price $33,000. Pricel redu(,ed $5,000 for imm. sale. Cail Mr. baily for appt. PRANLINREALTY 1569 Sherman. Ave., Evanston. Urniv, 7777 147LTN38-Ite LIKE GROUNDS? 13EAUTIFULLY WOODED 125x 0 160' in the popular Hubbard Woods section, conven. to public & parochial schls. & transp. The home bas 5 bdrms. 2 baths, attract. liv. witb fireplace & E beam ceiling, library with studio ceiling. The "home in the woods- IzL type of bouse. Can be sold at' c 746 Eim Street Winnetka 3603 AN E.ARLY -AMERICAN HOME 1<0W under construction i cholce restricted sect 'ion In Winnetka; location, construc. tion eud designu uexceiled. Exteriot Stone and white frame. 4 bedroons, 2. baths, recreation rmn., and Porch. 2 *car at. garage. Price $21.500. FpRKA. REID 970 Linden Aive.,, ubbard Wds. Winu. 1071 or-16m 147L,38-ltp SUNSET RIDGE- ' NEWLY BUILT ý FRENCH COLONIAL white painted brick, 3 bedrooms, 2v, tile baths, fireplaces in.li-ving room and master bedroom,. paneled recreation room, gas heat, 2 screen Porches. Wood- cd and Iandscaped. Possession 60 day-,. Price $15.200. WYATT! & COONS 1026 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Phone 7 147LTN38-lte *REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE ~NO'W $13 5W This mod. 7 rm. red brick, weli located oni extra-width superb grounds; first tine offered. Excellent value. Another first offerlng ini solid brick home East near lake; bas rmn. & bath on lst fi; 3 br., 2 baths & heated si. pch. o>n 2nd;' every convenience, $16.000. f111i & Stone, Winnetka, Tel. Winn. 1544. 147LTN38-1 te ONLY $10,00 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN THIS 9 RM., 2 bath, bouse on 60 ft lot., nr. -L- and lke. Has slp. pcb. and sunri n., 2 car ar. Owner moving to Calif, Don't lai], 5o eeit fhui ..,1, 2M9 OR WMLU oerr:2427. A wonderftjl value at $12,50.' 1îOLTNas-tp Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 740 ELT ST. - DESIRABLE OFFICE 513 Davis Street, Evanston Gre. 1617 space single or ensuite 'Reasonable 17LN8-t als. store. 17T3-t Leonard H. Roach, WMletlca 6M BANNOCKBURN 710 VENON A14OLTN3-3tp A COUNTRY HOME ON 2 BEAUTIFUL. 710VERON VE. GLENCOE. EX ]y landscaped acres. (owner-s invest- cel. location sboe repair, men's fur- ment, *0,00.) Offered uow to seil im- nlsh., speclalty shop, etc. Relit, $50. medlately at but 25,000. 4 master bd,- KeGuire & Orr, Gleucoe 13, Wfl. 228. rms. servants' quarters. 3% bs. haated umiJiJR TALL OLD TREES 1IN east Wilmette, near schools, sta- tion and lake. 4 bdrms, 2 batbs, modern white steel kitchen. Vene. tian blinds. Pay $2.500 down. Bal- ance approximately $90 month including taxes. 609 Central St. Open Sunday 2 to 5. Se~e Miss Cronk BAIRD & WARNER, mnc., 790 Elm St. WIinetca_270 Wondei with large1 offers this op 667 VE t side location. Giçier bouse eling possibilities. 4 bçlrrs. 1, Owner bas mloved and tY for $10,M0. Don't mis ity. MORELAND AVE. GLENCOE 305 147LTN38-itc ETTE - RCNL E îck and stucco homeê. , KLIN REALTy Ave., Evanston, Univ. 77771 147LTN3&..tc L.I e