I 4. PoyPink! Petl IuhetSecs, h1ue1i. TereIN! The newest Zpattones diat yonli wer. boh s cotMmd basic oir!PosyPikt lte your copilxon! POW I Dlà-erery young! ýSea. D1ueuuwas 140!Sée how &«eh isu d tlke you'l feel *«aring them 140W .under your.vimier eosais. Anýd remembe--you'i id ti iese tbreepastels4R. Our fashS ion, fabric and acessory depoau nita Wieboldi's eus-, tomary Iow prices!1 -'-A PASTEL PILOX $2,95 In rayon crepe, with soft veil. Posy Pirnk, Petal Blue,, Sea Dine., Rayon Gabardine Grand for sacks, blouses and sport dresses. Ina alAS thenew evcolors. 'Yard..419c gled. Sp.% Softly , Mlshel ln Uth e nv splg tinta. TaIiors beiatil flyand la Wa:shable.. 49C Sheer W601 ln a lâme basktet,,weave that gies It an ail purpose air. Newest colors for SI9 sprlnÈ. Yard.... Mise Charlotte Tonis,) McCali stylisi, wIli L e in the Patterni Dept- of our store on. Sature day to offer advice on your spring wardrobe, $399 g ~ v.' 7-gore. style ta wlm WlUrn a herriagbum eEfeet BiSle m3 Dyd le Mifte CAuRIGA Ohd Coloy r- gan ste les3 Dyed t. Match SI1PO VER SWEATER $2,99 Short sîceve styles, dyed to match the Sleek' rayon. jersey dress-matbMg wrap-, Yeur-own turban! Petal Blue, Poil Pink, Sea Blue and black. 14 to.20. LAPEL PIN A gaY little clown blows iridescent bubbies and makes a wonder- fui gadgcet for Your pastl aus. i SUIT j! 4j lawo.jersey, with gored ýkirt, litteçi walst, hoîgh pockefts. poay PikPssRinfe. Petai Bide. Also lai goild. iz to 18. Rayon faille turbanm Wltr imatchhag two-pocet beIl. Pastel shades,of Heatrer Pink, PetliBiue. Scarlet Red ani black aiso. 'y SHOP THURSDAY AND SATU1tDAY UNTEL 9 p.m. J (FL> i Y. UJLC, «M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .