Cecilia Berry Has Her Music-Drama Accopted Miss Cecilia Ray Berry, a m-us!- cian well known in Wilmette, who has spent some years on an histori-ý cal folk niusic-drama, "Clark of Old Vincennes," has had her work ac- cepted for production by Indiana uni- versity at Bloomington, Ind, Used to open the large auditorium the- pateirç one of the~ seven new buildings Mrs. Waiter N. Stuckslager., of Winntetka wUU be a mùannequin for the fashion show March 6, at'the, Evana.ton Country club, iponsoed bV the Friends of Lake Bluff Orphianage. Card plavj:ng and a book retiew wifl also be a part of thiug big annuaL charity bene ft. Mrs. Maud Jacobs WiII Address Garden Club "Dual and Triple-Value Garden Material" will be the subject of the talk which .Mrs. Maud, Javobs will give Friday afternoon, Febiruary 2, at the meeting of the Kenilworth Garden club to be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Flood" 133 Kenil- Yes, ail our operators have.boen trained by Mr. Paul, nationally -famous.hair stylist.ý Our method- is one you're sure to likce. Your hair is etyled, wiUiout chaniging the lengtji ... shaped to elimi- nate tkc bulky mae. andi width. You cat bush it as you wish and you'1!l e amazed at how you van comb it back in place easiiy. Do inquire about our new Hair Shaping method. Beaucy Salon-Third Floor Greeneaf 6OOO-Wilmette 4S00--Whuoetka 86M