Memnbers of the Kenilworth Citi- zens' Advisory comnmittee, a non- partisan organization formed somne years agoto nomiînate candidates for village offices and to advise the van-. ous local taxing, bodies on problemns of policy, will 'meet next.Sunday to begin consideration of nompinees for the spring- elections. No Village Ballet With neither a « Village nor a park commissioner electionto be held this spring, the three vacancies which will occur in the 'boardi of education in April. will be the s.ubjecet of the discussion. Members of the school board who are retiring this spring are: John Ntiveen, Jr., president, and, Mrs. G. W. Vaught and Thompson M. Wake- ley, members. The terms of the president and the members is for three years. Noniinate Dy Petition Nominations to these offices, it was explained, are to be made by petition, and these must be signed by at least 50 legal voters. The deadline for petitions will be March, 23 and the school election is to bc Entere4 eas econd.c a mtier Marck S. 1912. utaM. peSa aile. ét ilmét., Illinois, .ider the oc#a01 f merci, ilm. It s. Plen ty Colýd; So First Federal Convenes SFew Hardy. Shareholders Gath- At Sundrrv Club er tb Eleet Direeors; flHear Bosiness Io Good. A tradition of six years was main- tgined when the First PFederal Sav-l ings and Loan Association o! WiI- mette held its annual meeting on the coldevening of Wednesday, Jan- uary 24. fluring the six years of its corporate existence the annual meet- ing has been unerringly synchron- ized with extremely cold winter weather, this year being no excep- tion. OnIy a few hardy souls among the 1,200 shareholder-members turn- ed out to reelect the retlring di- rectors and perform the routine du- Pive proposals for major changes in the Wilmette -sehool systemn, ap- proved by the, board of, education, were made public this w#eek. T he proposais were based on -a long survey made b y Superintend. ent J., Robb. Har- per with -the 'as- sistance of Pro- feéssor E. S. Law- 1er of the school, o f education a t Northwestern uni- versity. It waa ernphasized that I h e conclusions reached by the E9 . Lawler board ini ts study of the surv9Y would flot become effective meas- ures until ratitled by the voters Of the school district. The proposais are: 1. A nw eleentary sciasol bulli ing on t h e board's property -st Iliawnwoodavenwueu *and~~ 1 C. of C.toHold 4.nnual Election Tuesday Evening The annual meeting and election of officers of Wilmette Chamber of Commerce .and Credit bureau will. Capt. John D. -Cra:g, deep-ae4 di ver and ýthrill-httnter for the Hollywoodl motion picture stu- dios, will give ani iUustrated lec- ture at the New Trier Sunday, heen elected officers as f ofows: President, Uarry B. Johnston. Vice-president, Johni F. Hoffman, r. Vice-presi'dent, August C. Pearson. Secretary-treasurer, C. E. Clifton, rd s;ree s&M 3. Shlftbag Of the sevemtli sud Bryon C. Stolph school, Teufli street and Central avenue, t. the Howar'd cool; addition of a girls' g7mus- slm and a cafeteria t. the Howarud sciiool facilities.