The. Hospital Suünday appeal for support of'these'charitable activities is orgànized through twenty-nine churches of ail denominations; cash contribution~s for the hospital are colletted durig the dchrchervices on Hospital Sunday, and an appeal will be made fromn the pulpits to assist the hospital program. Organlzed i 1916 The Out Patient department of the hositlwhich is the chief benefi- ciary of the Hospital Sunday dona- tions, was organized in 1916 to pro- vide a place where those in the community who were unable to af- ford the services of a*orivate nhysi- give consideration to the tax ixin scandai iing:h office of. County Assessor John S. Clark, t h e story Of which "broke" Iast Friday. A Sub-ëommit- tee o f t h e tax committee, p. r e-, viouslY appointed Pac PhtoDy Mr. . Brant, Fac Phthbas not had, suffi- IlleB"Br^indt 'cie n tti1me to mnake- a report, but, the e xpecta- tion. is that some practical sugges- tions will be made, which may open the way. for the commnittee's p artici- pation in investigating the alleged crookedness. As a first step its as-1 sistance wilU be proffered to Asses- soi Clark. Mr. Brandt is active in commun- ity affairs. He Is president of the Wilmette board of education and at- torney for the Wilmette Park dis- trict. Legion Post, Auxiliarýy Unit, WilI Be Sponsors The Annual meeting of «theKenil-. worth- comniunity cbest ' will be held at the Kenilworth club on Monday evening, February 19 at 8 o'clock, The meeting, it was explained, will be devoted to receivlng the reports on the recent campaign for funds and the eletIon of thrèe meibèrs Ôf~ the governing board, a treasurer, and a secretary. .The nominating committee, con- sisting of George H. Rigler, Mrs. Newell S. Knight, and Stanley P., Farwell bas submitted the following flamfes: For members of the governing board (three years): Thompson .M. Wakeley, Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr., andI Mrs. LenT. Ellis:-fe ren *-a. Noted Explorer Hie is the deep-seadiyer, explorr and cameraman who inakes the thrill shots for. the big Hollywoodj productions. In bis lecture be shoes, the thrill shots made underseas, in jungles and on tropic isies. Only. thirty-four, Capt. John Craig bas a lifetime of adventure behinil him in tbree domains-on the eaitb, in'the air, and at the bottomn of the ocean. Hie has lived with danger and death as a constant comnn-w-