July 19, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE PLAY STAFF 15 AUGMENTED BY ,.NEW DIRECTORS Illinois Eme r géýn.cy Relief Commission- Provides M ore Workers for Wilmette. . Ten inew workers f rom the Recrea- tion department of the Illinois Emer- gency Relief commission rePorted for duty at the two Wilmette plày- grounids this wveek, which, added to the staff already on duty, raised the total list of playground workers to tourteen.., The new help, according to Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, will make it possible to enlarge the pro- grami of activities on the playgrounds and already a marked increase in at- tendance bas been shown. Draniatics and an elaborate handicraft program will be the two most important activi- tics to be introduced by the niew pro- gram although niew athletic activities and organized gaines for younger children hiave attracted large groups during the three davs the wvrkers have l)een present. Directs Pre-School Croup Mothers of l)re-scliool children will l)e esl)eciallv înterested in th e lnew programn, Mr. Davis rernarks, because of the fact that a special worker will be ui charge of children from 2 to 5 vear s of- age, confiing lier centire tiuie to that age group at Vattrnat park. If it- is possible. to ol)taini ad- ditional lhellp froni the Relief coin- miissionm a sirnilar orker w -llbe placed at thme Village Green pla- Follo xwiiig arc the ncw \workers add- e(l to thme staff: 'Miss Ruth Bushu;itell, draniatic ini- strtîctor. vho (ivides lier timie le- twveen tlhe two plavgroinds: 'Miss 1)orotliv Buelbler. hanidicraft iîstruc- tor , ho also (livi(es lier time l)e- twveen the tvo l)laygrounds: 'Niss Martha Hoaglanid. instructor of jun- ior girls and l)ovs at Vattmian park, Miss Nfartha Ericsoni. pre-school in- structor at Vattrnai park; John R. Sinco. boys' Histructor at Village Green: John F. Crooks. Jr., boys' instructor at Vattmani park: Paul Jones, boys' instructorý at \Tattînaîî park. Competent .Supervisors Miss Maude Smiart and Miss Heleti Schroeter -%ere assigried as tinmç_ keepers, the latter of wbonx resigned Wednesday of this week to assume a permanent position inChicago. She will be replaced by Nicholas Lynster of Evanstom. The original staff, wbicb wilI su- pervise tbe new directors includes Miss Dee Riggle and !Glen W. Gath- ercoal at Vattmani park, and Miss Bessie Carol Bierer and William T. Mackie, jr. at Village Greeri. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cox and their sons Arthur and Frede rick K., Jr.- of Laurel, Mass., Mrs. Tbomas- Cox of Des Moines, Iowa, an& Mrs. Elmer Anderson 'of Iowa. Cit-y are bouse guests of tbe George H. Rig- lers, 706 Cummffings avenue, Kenif- worth. IGHLAND HOTEL ORLAVAN LA-WIsSO8iN ]odem ha" »md cottageS. on hmr. Ail !portm. Social hoste.. and expert bridge teacher. Supervfsed 'p1à) for chidren. Own 7-plece orchegra. Fine mml.. Preferred by 2 generadiona of dis- erhnnml aati taera. Send for book- ltLam"dRatm., ddreu.-SEIAVAI. WIS. County Schools loin, Movie Clean-up Drive A campaign' among teachers in Cook county, public schools, looking toward a cleanup of - salacious end indecent motion. pictures, was launcb- ed this week by Superintendent lOtto F. Aken. A committee bas been appointed by Mr. Aken to assist in the cam- paign and to censor motion pictures for the moral benefit of scbool chil- dren. The members of tbis commit- tee are: SRaymond Darnron, superintendent of Franklin Park scbool; Lucille Old- feld, principal of Avoca scbool; Frances Kessler, Niles scbool teach- er, and Marie Green, principal of College Hill school. In a letter to the teachers, Mr. Aken stated that be bad "felt for a long time that the modern moving picture is working directly against our edicational system." Xith tbe assistance of-bis commit- tee, Mr. Aken is planning to extend the campaign to the parents and pupils after. the opening of scbools in September.. He bas urged the teachers to inake a study of the pictures thev see during the summer so that thev will be primed with in- formation w~heii the campaign gets into fuîll swing. .CHURCH BEACH PARTY The aniual AII-Church beach party of the \Vilmette Baptist church wvil1 be lhel(l Thursday afternoon and eve- ing, JuIv 2(), ou the private'beach of the C. P. Dubbs residence on Miclii- gai -avenue. Frank Guthridge is chiairman of thme committee iii charge 01 arranigemienits. Miss Jane Darling, 256 Keniilwortb avenue. Kenilworth. is leaving Suni- dlay for D.-avtoii. Ohio to speld la. fortnight %vith hier brother-iim-lawv and .,ster. Lieut. and Nfrs. G. N . Hollo- inau. ater shie %vill visit a former classumate fromn Ogonitz, 'Miss Kath- leen. Sturges -of Nlanisfield. Ohio. \Vilcox Hiodgkins. son of Col. and Mrs. Howvard Hiodgkins. 431 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, is attending flic secondl session of Camp M.\a-Ka-. ja-Wan, Mr. and Mms Grant Ridgway. 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortil, en- tertaine(l their dinner bridge club last Tuesday. I Tw Tinely pecili TULANE An Silk Crepe SLIPS and GOWNS Amingly Low Priced SLIPS *Lace trimmed, plain tailored *Deep shadow panel F ull or extra length *Cut on truc bias 0. Double lock stitch seam Tea Rose and White Sizes 32-44 Regular value 2.95 Speciai GOWNS Ail Silk Crepe *Extra long eut *A truc bias, ail are lace trimmed, top and bottom *Tic on shouider and cape sîceve Tea Rose - Sizes 15-16-17 Regular value 3.95 Special EdIgar A* StevensL% a. E VAN 5T m 1 jùly 19, 1934 WILM ETTE L 1 FE