Consuitthe 'wantioads torconvenient roomlocations frOR RÈNT-ROOMS FURNISHED . ROOM WITH LIe.HT 1housekèeplng If desired., Near trans- portation. Reasonable. Phone Wi- mette 4866. 82LTN1I-ltp THREE ROOMS, TrOGETHE R OR separate. Kitchen privileges. Rea- sonab le. Phone Wilmette 4797. . 1 . . . 82LTNII-1lp PLEASANT' ROOM,. LIGHT, AIRY. Private home on East side. Near transportation. Reasonable. 1009 Oak- wood Ave. Phone Wilmette,824-J. 82LTN11 -1tp Fou RENT-FURNISHED ApTS. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeffing. Garage If desired. 310 Park Ave., Wilmette. Ph.ý Wilmette 1958. 84LTN1-ltp BOARD AND BOON IN B E A U TIFUL KENILWORTH, near good beaches. New England type inn. Home-like rooms, suites wlth bath. Exvellent meals. . Moderate prices. Ken- ilworth 5491. 86LTN11-Itc FOR RENTr-APARTMENTUe 4 ROOM FLAT FIEAT AND HOT WATER $30 C'. H. BRETHOLD WILMETTE 65 92LTN11-ltP IN GLENCOE. ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOM kitchenette apts., tile bath, elec. refrig., large rooms, ln modern bldg. R. -M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 444 .92LTN11eltc TWO UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. ALSO ONE FUIINISHED APARTM'T including Frigidaire. Apply at 819r Oak St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 407. 92L11-ltp VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphrey Bldg., Winnetka. Also well located office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328. 92LTN4-tfc THE LINDEN MANOR HUBBARD WOODS 4-5 Room apartments; tile bath. re- f rlg., roll-a-way bed. Reas. price.. FRANK A. R1tID 964 Linden, Hubbard Woods Wlnn. 1300 92LTN6-tfe .1 ROOM APT. FOR RENT. ADULTS only, also single room for men, 851 Spruce St., Winnetka, Phone Winn. 2976. 92Ll-ltp 4:ROOM APARTMENT IN THE LIN- den Crest, AIl beautiful outede rooms. East and west exposure. Free refrig- eration. Reas. ent. Phione Wilmette 500. Kroll &j Smith, Agents. 92LTN8-tfc ATTRACTIVE '5 RM. APARTMENT. with sunporcb, 2nd Floor, 1817 Wal- nut. Near transp. and séhîs., $35. Phone Wilrnette U875. 9e2L11-ltp FOR RENT-FURNIUHED APTS. '1 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. NewIy decorated. Close to transpor- tation. Phone Wilnîette 4023. ______________________93LTN11-lp MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNÏiSHED or unfurn. apamtment, newly dec- orated. Central locationî. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 93LTN1O-4tp 3 PROOM FURNISHED HEATED APT., for 2 aduits. No children. Private bath and private entrance. Gar. $30. inonth. Phone Wllmette 707-R. 93LTN11-ltip I1% RM. FURN. KITCHENETTE APT. Elec. refrig., gas, heat and light free. Private entrance and bath. Big yard. 1021 Central Ave. Phone Wllmette 2791. 93LTN1-ltp WILL SUBLEASE 4%, RM. 'FURN. apt. ln the Linden Crest. Desîrable South & East exposure.. Rent reas. Ph. Wilmette"500. KrolI & Smlth. 9SITN8-tfc FOR INENT--HOUSES IFOR ft£lEN-HOUSES S., E. 'WINNETKA-6:RM. COLONIAL, sun & slp. pehs.0 oil heat, garage- s. W. Wlnnetka-Charmine . Shingle Colonial, 5 bdrnis., 2%h baths, sun & slp. 'pehs ...................... $85.00 S. E. Wilmette--Spacious, 7, rm. home, 4 bdrms.,, 2 baths, 2 heated slpng. pchs.. & sunrm., very large living rm., oïl ht., 2 car garage, avallable August lst $85.00 Charming White Colonial nr. Hubbard Woods Schl. 8 rms., 3 baths, att. ga- rage................ ........... $125.00 Beautiful new Brick, 4 bdrms., 1. baths- $135.00 HILL & STONE 543 Lîiicoin Ave. Winnetka 1544 97L11ltp CHARMING ENGLISH HOME; 4 BED- rooms, 2 baths, lai'., sunrm., brkfst. nook, Ige. scr. porch, Frig., oi1 heat and oul water heater. $125 per month. OTHER ATTRACTIVE RENTALS. Frances J. U\Tjî1cott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 126î 97LT!Çll-ltc 6-ROOM HOUSE IN WIL. NEAR transp. Nice yard. $60. Available August lst.- Flood. Phone Wiliiette 3319. 97LTNII-Ite 5-ROOMý% COTTAGE IN HUBBARD Woods, coniv. to schls. & transp. $55. L. C. ODH REALTY CO.. 933 Linden Ave. Winnetka. 115' _________________ 97LTN11-1te 4 bdrrns., 2 il-p. pcb.,oul..... ......$-85 4 bdrnms., 3 bs.,',oil.................. 110 6 bdrms., 4 bs., mod. brick ...... 135 6 bdrmis., 3 bs., white colonial .... 175 FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winne tka 1300 - or 1689 _______________________97LTN11-1tip ATI«"-1ACIX7'E RE NTALS WE HAVE A MOST COMPLETE LIST of North Shore homes for imniediate and Faîl occupancy. Ail sizes and prices BAIRD & WARNER, Il i. 523 PARK DRIVE. KENILWORTH 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Kenilworth 47851 Glencoe 1554 Rogers Park 6151 73rargate 1855 97LTN1 -ite ATTRACTIVE HOME RENTALS E. Winn. Brk. Col. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, oul, Close to schls., transp., and lake. E. G.lencoe, view of lake, beaut. grounds, 5 bdrrns., 4 baths, sun rn., oil, interior decorating an outstanding feature. RentaIs on above homes are %rery reas., E. E. STULTS REALTY CO.' 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 -97LTN11-lte- WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WE ARE GETTING MANY INQUIRIES for homes to rent this faîl. Would ap- preciate your listing at once. McLTRF& ORR 316 Park Ave. Glencoe 13 99LTN11-1 te WANT 5 BEDIIM. RESIDENCE. WIN- netka to Evanston, nr. sehool and transp. Will pay $100 rent, or will bu3 if.-bargain, Up to $15,000. Address A-114, Box. 40, Wilmette. ________________________99LT2N1 1-ltp) FOR SALE-NOUSES GEORGIAN COLONIAL 10 ROOM, OWNER-BUILT, BRICK and stone, tile roof, in choice sec- tion near lake. FINELY CONSTRTED, MODERN in ahl appointments. lst floor: living rm., breakfast rm., kitchen afid lav- atory. 2nd floor: 4 -bedrmns.i, 2 baths. 3rd floor: servant's rm. and bath. 3-car attached garage. Price reduced to mneet today's market. For inspection appt. cali Mr. Brown. THE BILLS REALTX7,9 mc. 529 Davis St., Evanston. Willnette 3740 111LTN1,1-lte ITwoXinnetka Bargains SELECT RENTALS .I E pteteta: yt tateul oü 7 rms., 2 bs. Oil, fine loc. Wtka. . ý$140 8 rms. with 2 baths, 2 large porches. 9 rnis., 3 bs. Fur. or unfumu. E. Ken. 135 ',Garage. 011 heat. 101x27 with 'huge 9 rms., e bs., nr. lake, GlIencoe.,... 125 oaks lawn and fiower gardons. Ab- 9 rms., 3 bs. H. W., good 10e. Wtka 115 solutely unexcelled location near lake 7 rnis,3 bs., brick Col. Glencoe .... 115 $20,000. 7 rmns., 2 bs. Oul, E. Kenilworth .... 100 7 rniis., 2 bs.. H.W., good loc. Wtka' ' 8j 95, FEET WITH. GOOD CLAPBOARD 7 rms., 2 bs., convenient loc. Glen... 6.5 house in perfect condition. So placed Alany others available. that 40 feet can be soId off. Excel. block. Co. EastSide. Rare buy at $12,500. HE ISENREALY 1MRSFULLER & WM. PICKARD 660 Center St. Winnetka 254 746 EIrn Street Wlnnetka 3603 97LTN11-Itl) 11LTN11-1te FOR UALE--HouSe $13,500 BY, ALL M19ANS INVESTrGATE THE unusual value offered ln this, 7 rm. colonial plan home, 4 bedrmns. 2% bathe,. slp. pch., att. gar. In S. E. Wilmette near. Lake and **L". THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston. Wil. 3740 11ILTN11-lte GLENCOE DISTINCTIVE COLONIAL A charmlng setting for tbis brick co- lonial amongst many sbrubs and flow- ers. The bouse bas 5 bedrooms and 3 baths, beated sun room, sleeping porch, butlers, pantry, recreation rôom in the basernent. It bas bot water oli, beat and a 2 car beated garage. This borne Is properly priced and deserves your Inspection. Shown by appointrnent. HEIN SEN RE ALTY CO. 66Q Center St. Winnetka 254 11IlLTN11-ltp HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A MOD- emn 7-room bouse witb 2 baths at $10,000? Let us show It to you and many others with great 'value. McGUIRE & ORR 316 Park Ave. Glencoe 13 l11LTN11-ltc REDUCE D TO $20.000 11O D E R N ATTRACTIVE BRICK home of 7 rooms and 3 baths in desir- able section near Skokie Golf Club. Largie lot. Attached 2-car garage. Owner wants quick action. QUIN4N& TYSON, Imc.. 1571 Sherman Ave., E vanston. Uni. 2600. 111LTN11-lte- MUST SELL, $16,000 7 MBRICK,.2 TILE BATHIS, TILE roof, oit bt., deep lot in restrict- ed estate section. Fine condition. Acnow*. Mr. Humrick. BAIRD & \VARNER, mc. 346 PARK AVENUE, OLENCOE Glenceoe 1554 Briargate 1855 REDUCED AGAIN OWN'.ER REDUCES TO $28,000 THIS 9-room, 31/2 bath home. Canvassed walls, out heat, 3-car garage, reer. rooni and loyely lot are features niaking this house. an *extreniely attractive buy. NORTH WESTERN * REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 9500 111LTN11-ltc K ENI LWORTH COLONIAL HOUSE. 9 RMS., 3 BATHS, on' wooded 100 ft. lawn. Rooms ail large. Sun porcb on South. Priced to sell. Will consider equitable çxchange. Mr.à.ohnson.. BAIRD & WARNE R, Inc., 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenilworti 41"85 Rogers Park 6151 _________________________ 11LTNI 1-1tle WVinnetkà OWNER MUST SELLý MODERN 6 RM. bouse., ln E. Winnetka. Close to lake, traiisp., and schl.s. Reduced to $8,000. .. Glencoe B-E A U T 1 F UI L MODERN SPANISH residence, 6 rnis., with, large sun par- lom and slpg~ porcb. Also 3 bdinis., 2 tile baths, oit ht., attached gar. Less, than IXa originial value. $1,000 cash. Balance as rent. The 13ILLS REAI4TY, mnc. à718,Vernon AV~e. Glencoe 77 11XLTN11-lte MAKI,0FE"R ON 7-ROOM HOUSE IN BEST.LOCATION 100 f t. lot. Worth $8.000. Slpg. porch, large brfst. porcb, garage. Flood. Phone Wilffiette 3319. 111LTN11-ltc AMONG THE TREES, THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME 0F- EN- glish design at 299 Vernon -Ave., Glen- coe is an outstanding purchase. 10 rooms, 3 battis, library,, pow%%der-room, master bedroorn 23 ft. long with colomed- tule bath and separate shower stail. Artistically decorated and ready. for occupancy. Open for inspection Suulday 2 to 5, or by appointment. QUINLAN & TYSON, I c. 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 2600 11LTN11-lte FOR SALE.-HOUSeS W~E SUGGEST THAT TYOU INVESTIGATE our THRZE POINT method of sales before buying or. listing property for sale-our plan. May> be of a littie more heîp to you. 'Beni.,E. Gage, Landscape & Real Estate Service; 334 Park Ave.. Glencoe, 111. Phones Winnetka 1977, Glencoe 796. 111LTN11-lte WANTED TO BUY-HOUSE WANTED--5r OR 6 ROOM HOUSE IN Wilmette. Must be bargain. Give aIl details, taxes, etc. -Write Frank Kuhn, 1901, il So& LaSalle St., Chicago- 113LTNII-3tp NEED LARGER HOUSE OWNER 0F j ROOM MODERN house constructed ln 1928 ln good Glencoe residential district needs larger bouse with about 4 bdrms.. and 2 bath. Wlshes to make an exchange and pay the difference ln value ln, cash or will assume mortgage If preferable. Wli consider any location from Evanston te Highland, Pk. Prefer- dealing* direet with owner. Phone Glencoe 1574. 113L11-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT OWN ER SACRIFICING ,CHOICE VACANT LOT 8Oxl5O LOCAT- ed in fine Braeslde residentiaF' - district of Highland Park. Hlgh- est -round ln section with beau- tiful elm trees on it. AIl lm- provements in and pald for. Block fmom transp. Mr. Uartin- PbIA IRD & WARNER, Inc. 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 114LTN11-1te REAL INVESTMENT Kenllworth bomesite......... $28 per ft. Winnetka homesite.......... $27 per ft. Botb locations surrounded by modern bornes. For details see- E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 114LTN1î-ltc REAL ESTATE PROBLEM PROPERTIES VACANT OR IMPROVED. Where sales resistance is bard to over- corne, there may be a reason which has gl'ne unnoticed. -Let us go over the property with you. No OBLIGATION. Benj. E. Gage, Landscape & Real Estate Service., 334 Park Ave., Gloncoe ' 111. Phone Glencoe 796. 127LTN11-ltc REAL ESTATE LoANS * ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO 15 YEARS We are ln a position to represent you in obtainlng Insurance Company Loans at vemy low rates. SMART & GOLE, Inc. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Shemman Ave., Evanston University 0283 Rogers Park 0271, 1 27A-LTN1 0-tfe WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON homes. lst'Federal Savings & Loan. Assn., 105 W. Madison St. Randolph 2230. 127A-LTN11-4tp EXCHAN«igE-REAL ESTATEg WILL TRADE 414 BAKER ST.,, LAKE Geneva value $6,000, 5 rooms, hot water beat, 2-car gar. for North Shore home value $10,000. Phone Wllmette 2440. 128LTN1I1tc FOR SALzE-HOUSEHOLD 6001>1 4-POSTER BED. SPRINGS AND, MAT- tress, excellent condition, $15; bureau and mirror, $2; dressing. table, $5; ch1ld's green enamel~ vanity and dresser, cost $100, seli for $15. gate leg. table and 4 chairs, $12; antique chest of drawe-s,, $35. Ph. Wlnnetka 1267. 129LTN11-ltc HOUSEHOLD' G O O D S. LEAVING City.. Reasonable for qulck sale. Chairs, tables, Majestic radio, Chicker- ing baby grand piano, mirrors, rugs, lamps, drapes, dlning rm. set, 2 bedrm. sets, 1 wlth tWin beds, Cedar chest, elec..refrlg., stove, miscellaneous. 1750 Washington Ave., Wllmettp. 129LTM11-îtp GREEN TUB THOR WASHER.-AND table ironer. Used, cost $194 seli for $49, Phone, Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN11-Itp FOR SALE NINE-PLECE DINJNG room set, electrlc sewlng maéhine, cheap. Phone Davis 8094. 129LTN1-ltp uly 19, 1934.. Wl LMETTE. LIFE